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Page 1 of 5, showing 100 records out of 460 total

Halbreich number Title Subtitle Year of origin Docs at NBM library Writings Sources Buy
12 Romance for violin and piano [1910?] library writings sources
173bis Par T.S.F. Nejpozději / No later than 1926 library writings sources buy
130 B Second Orchestral Suite From the Ballet "Istar" 1961 library writings sources buy
130 A First Orchestral Suite From the Ballet "Istar" 1961 library writings sources buy
373 Songs for a Children`s Choir 1959 library writings sources buy
374 Nonet No. 2 for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, french horn, violin, viola, violoncello and double bass 1959 library writings sources buy
375 Mikesh from the Mountains cantata for soli, mixed choir and instrumental accompaniment 1959 library writings sources buy
376 Chamber Music No. 1 for clarinet, violin, viola, violoncello, harp and piano 1959 library writings sources buy
377 Two Pieces for Two Violoncellos 1959 library writings sources buy
378 Variations on a Slovak Folk Song for violoncello and piano 1959 library writings sources buy
379 The Bird Feast 1959 library writings sources buy
380 Madrigals (Part-Song Book) four madrigals for mixed choir 1959 library writings sources buy
381 Two Impromptus for harpsichord 1959 library writings sources buy
382 Vigil for organ 1959 library writings sources buy
383 The Prophecy of Isaiah [auth.] cantata for soli, male choir and instrumental accompaniment 1959 library writings sources
384 Greeting for children's choir 1959 library writings sources
133 A Orchestral suite from the ballet Who is the Most Powerful in the World? 1959 library writings sources
383 A The Burden of Moab uncomplete draft of a cantata 1959 library writings sources
372 II The Greek Passion, 2nd version Opera in 4 acts 1959 library writings sources buy
366 Fantasia concertante. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 5 in B flat 1958 library writings sources buy
367 The Parables [auth.] for large orchestra 1958 library writings sources
368 Sonata for Harpsichord 1958 library writings sources buy
369 Estampes [auth.] for orchestra [auth.] 1958 library writings sources buy
370 Ariadne Lyric opera in 1 act 1958 library writings sources buy
371 Duo for Violin and Violoncello No. 2 1958 library writings sources buy
202 A Rhytmic Etudes for string orchestra 1958 library writings sources
361 Brigand Songs ten male choruses 1957 library writings sources
362 Adagio (Memories) 1957 library writings sources buy
363 The Rock [auth.] symphonic prelude for large orchestra 1957 library writings sources buy
364 The Romance from the Dandelions cantata for mixed choir and soprano solo 1957 library writings sources buy
365 Divertimento [auth.] for two recorders [auth.] 1957 library writings sources buy
372 I The Greek Passion, 1st version Opera in 4 acts 1957 library writings sources buy
356 Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano [auth.] 1956 library writings sources buy
357 Sonatina for Trumpet and Piano 1956 library writings sources buy
358 Incantation. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 4 1956 library writings sources buy
359 Impromptu for Two Pianos 1956 library writings sources
360 The Legend of the Smoke from Potato Tops cantata for soli, mixed choir and instrumental accompaniment 1956 library writings sources buy
351 The Epic of Gilgamesh [auth.] oratorio for soli, mixed choir and orchestra 1955 library writings sources buy
352 The Frescoes of Piero della Francesca for large orchestra 1955 library writings sources buy
353 Concerto for Oboe and Small Orchestra 1955 library writings sources buy
354 The Opening of the Springs / The Opening of the Wells cantata for soli, female chorus and instrumental accompaniment 1955 library writings sources buy
355 Sonata for Viola and Piano 1955 library writings sources buy
196 III Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra No. 1, 3rd version 1955 library writings sources buy
346 Mirandolina comic opera in three acts 1954 library writings sources buy
347 Hymn to St. James for soli, mixed chorus, organ and instrumental accompaniment 1954 library writings sources
348 Primrose duets after lyrics of Moravian folk poetry 1954 library writings sources buy
349 Mount of Three Lights [auth.] for male choir and organ [auth.] 1954 library writings sources buy
350 Sonata for Piano 1954 library writings sources buy
346 A Saltarello from the opera Mirandolina 1954 library writings sources
342 Concerto for Violin, Piano and Orchestra [auth.] 1953 library writings sources
343 Symphony No. 6 (Fantaisies Symphoniques) 1953 library writings sources buy
344 Accusation Against the Unknown opera in three acts 1953 library writings sources buy
345 Overture [auth.] for orchestra [auth.] 1953 library writings sources buy
336 What Men Live by [auth.] Opera-pastoral in one act [auth.] 1952 library writings sources buy
337 Rhapsody-Concerto [auth.] for viola and orchestra [auth.] 1952 library writings sources buy
338 Three Part-Songs for female voices 1952 library writings sources buy
339 Three Sacred Songs (Three Legends) for female choir and violin 1952 library writings sources buy
340 Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 3 1952 library writings sources buy
341 The Marriage [auth.] comic opera in two acts 1952 library writings sources buy
339 A Virgin Mary Walked around the World 1952 library writings sources
332 Piano Trio No. 3 for violin, violoncello and piano 1951 library writings sources buy
333 Improvisation for piano 1951 library writings sources buy
334 Serenade [auth.] for two clarinets, violin, viola and violoncello 1951 library writings sources buy
335 Stowe Pastorals [auth.] for five recorders, clarinet, two violins and violoncello 1951 library writings sources buy
247 A Little Suite from the Opera "Comedy on the Bridge" 1951 library writings sources buy
327 Piano Trio No. 2 for violin, violoncello and piano 1950 library writings sources buy
328 Sinfonietta La Jolla [auth.] for chamber orchestra [auth.] 1950 library writings sources buy
329 Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra [auth.] 1950 library writings sources buy
330 Intermezzo for large orchestra 1950 library writings sources buy
331 Duo No. 2 [auth.] for violin and viola [auth.] 1950 library writings sources buy
322 Sinfonia Concertante [auth.] No. 2 for oboe, basson, violin, violoncello and small orchestra 1949 library writings sources buy
323 Bagatelle for piano 1949 library writings sources buy
324 Three Czech Dances [auth.] for two pianos [auth.] 1949 library writings sources buy
325 Mazurka – Nocturne for oboe, two violins and violoncello 1949 library writings sources buy
326 Barcarolle for piano 1949 library writings sources buy
316 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 3 1948 library writings sources buy
317 The Strangler [auth.] A Rite of Passage [auth.] 1948 library writings sources
318 The Fifth Day of the Fifth Moon [auth.] 1948 library writings sources buy
319 The Bouquinistes from the Quai Malaquais 1948 library writings sources buy
320 Greeting to Sokols and Sokol Gathering Festive fanfare for wind instruments 1948 library writings sources
321 Five Czech Madrigals for mixed voices 1948 library writings sources buy
313 Three Madrigals (Duo No. 1) for violin and viola [auth.] 1947 library writings sources buy
314 String Quartet No. 7 (Concerto da camera) 1947 library writings sources buy
315 Quartet for Oboe, Violin, Violoncello and Piano 1947 library writings sources buy
310 Symphony No. 5 [auth.] 1946 library writings sources buy
311 Toccata e due canzoni for small orchestra 1946 library writings sources buy
312 String Quartet No. 6 1946 library writings sources buy
304 Concerto for violoncello and orchestra No. 2 1945 library writings sources buy
305 Symphony No. 4 [auth.] 1945 library writings sources buy
306 Sonata for Flute and Piano [auth.] 1945 library writings sources buy
307 Czech Rhapsody [auth.] for violin and piano 1945 library writings sources buy
309 Thunderbolt P-47 [auth.] scherzo for orchestra 1945 library writings sources buy
308 Etudes and Polkas [auth.] sixteen piano pieces in three books 1945 library writings sources buy
304bis Berceuse 1945 library writings sources
276 II Suite Concertante for Violin and Orchestra [auth.] 1944 library writings sources buy
298 Piano Quintet No. 2 1944 library writings sources buy
299 Symphony No. 3 [auth.] 1944 library writings sources buy
300 Trio for Flute, Violoncello and Piano 1944 library writings sources buy
301 Fantasia for theremin, oboe, piano and string quartet 1944 library writings sources buy
302 Songs on Two Pages cycle of songs on Moravian folk poetry for voice and piano 1944 library writings sources buy
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