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Halbreich number Title Subtitle Year of origin Docs at NBM library Writings Sources Buy
291 Madrigal-Sonata for flute, violin and piano 1942 library writings sources buy
290 Variations on a Theme of Rossini for violoncello and piano 1942 library writings sources buy
289 Symphony No. 1 [auth.] 1942 library writings sources buy
288 New Chap-Book cycle of songs on Moravian folk poetry 1942 library writings sources buy
287 Piano Quartet 1942 library writings sources buy
286 Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 2 1941 library writings sources buy
286bis A Merry Christmas 1941 1941 library writings sources
286ter Birthday 1942 1942 library writings sources
285 Concerto da Camera for Violin and String Orchestra with Piano and Percussion 1941 library writings sources buy
285bis Dumka No. 3 1941 library writings sources buy
284 Mazurka for piano 1941 library writings sources buy
283 Sonata da Camera for violoncello and small orchestra 1940 library writings sources buy
283bis Rhymes and Songs on Lyrics of Czech Folk Poetry 1940 library writings sources
282 Sinfonietta Giocosa for piano and small orchestra 1940 library writings sources buy
282bis Four Songs on Czech Folk Poetry for voice and piano 1940 library writings sources buy
281 Fantasy and Toccata for piano 1940 library writings sources buy
280 Military March for orchestra 1940 library writings sources
279 Field Mass cantata for baritone, male chorus and orchestra 1939 library writings sources buy
279bis Wishes to Mamma 1939 library writings sources
278 Czech Madrigals eight madrigals for mixed voices 1939 library writings sources buy
277 Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 1 1939 library writings sources buy
277bis Czech Riddles 1939 library writings sources
276 II Suite Concertante for Violin and Orchestra [auth.] 1944 library writings sources buy
276 I Suite Concertante for Violin and Orchestra 1939 library writings sources
275 Bergerettes for Violin, Violoncello and Piano 1939 library writings sources buy
274 Promenades for Flute, Violin and Harpsichord 1939 library writings sources buy
273 I Know a Grove To Vitulka's Mother For Birthday 1939 library writings sources
272 Fairy-Tales 1939 library writings sources
271 Double Concerto for two string orchestras, piano and timpani 1938 library writings sources buy
270 Windows to the Garden cycle of piano pieces 1938 library writings sources buy
269 Concertino for Piano and Orchestra 1938 library writings sources buy
268 String Quartet No. 5 1938 library writings sources buy
267 Tre Ricercari for chamber orchestra 1938 library writings sources buy
267bis (17bis) library writings sources
266 Four Madrigals for oboe, clarinet and bassoon 1938 library writings sources buy
265 Trio for Flute, Violin and Bassoon 1937 library writings sources
264 Duo Concertant for Two Violins and Orchestra 1937 library writings sources buy
263 Concerto Grosso for chamber orchestra 1937 library writings sources buy
262 Sonatine for Violin and Piano 1937 library writings sources buy
261 Intermezzo four pieces for violin and piano 1937 library writings sources buy
260 Bouquet of Flowers a cycle of compositions to folk texts for mixed chorus (children`s chorus), soli and small orchestra 1937 library writings sources buy
259 Love Carol 1937 library writings sources buy
258 The Hounted Train 1937 library writings sources buy
257 Crotchets and Quavers 1937 library writings sources buy
256 String Quartet No. 4 1937 library writings sources buy
255 Alexander Bis opera buffa in 1 act 1937 library writings sources buy
254 Sonata for Flute, Violin and Piano 1937 library writings sources buy
253 Juliette (The Key to Dreams) lyric opera in 3 acts 1937 library writings sources buy
253 A Three Fragments from the Opera Juliette 1939 library writings sources buy
253 B Orchestral suite from the opera Juliette 1937 library writings sources
253 C Juliette (The Key to Dreams) 2nd act, 3rd scene 1937 library writings sources
252 Concerto for Flute, Violin and Orchestra 1936 library writings sources buy
251 Theatre Behind the Gate opera-ballet in 3 acts 1936 library writings sources buy
251bis Let`s repose 1936 library writings sources
251 A Commedia dell'arte Orchestral suite from the 1st act of the opera Theatre Behind the Gate library writings sources buy
250 Dumka (No. 2) 1936 library writings sources buy
249 Dumka (No. 1) 1936 library writings sources buy
248 A Little Suite from the stage music to Oidipus by André Gide 1936 library writings sources buy
248 Oidipus stage music to the play by André Gide 1936 library writings sources buy
247 Comedy on the Bridge radio-opera in 1 act 1935 library writings sources buy
247 A Little Suite from the Opera "Comedy on the Bridge" 1951 library writings sources buy
246 Concerto for Harpsichord and Small Orchestra 1935 library writings sources buy
245 The Judgement of Paris ballet in 1 act 1935 library writings sources
244 Two Pieces for Harpsichord 1935 library writings sources buy
243 The Voice of the Forest radio-opera in 1 act 1935 library writings sources buy
242 Composition for Little Evas 1935 library writings sources buy
241 Note into a Scrapbook (No. 2) 1935 library writings sources buy
240 City of the Water of Life: Mariánské Lázně music for the documentary film 1935 library writings sources
240 A Interlude from the film City of the Water of Life: Mariánské Lázně 1935 library writings sources
239 Lady's Shoe music for a documentary and promotional film 1935 library writings sources
238 String Trio No. 2 for violin, viola and violoncello 1934 library writings sources buy
237 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 1934 library writings sources buy
236/2 I Mariken of Nimègue first version of the 2nd act from the Miracles of Mary 1934 library writings sources
236 The Plays of Mary 1934 library writings sources buy
235 Four Songs About Mary for mixed chorus 1934 library writings sources buy
234 Inventions [auth.] for large orchestra 1934 library writings sources buy
233 Marijka the Unfaithful music for the film 1933 library writings sources
232 Concertino for Piano Trio and String Orchestra 1933 library writings sources buy
232bis Two Songs to the Texts of Negro Folk-Poetry 1932 library writings sources buy
231 Concerto for Piano Trio and String Orchestra 1933 library writings sources buy
230 Easter Song 1933 library writings sources buy
229 Piano Quintet No. 1 1933 library writings sources buy
228 Two Ballads to Folk Poetry Lyrics for alto and piano 1932 library writings sources
227 Ritornellos six piano pieces 1932 library writings sources buy
226 Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 1933 library writings sources buy
225 Four children`s songs and rhymes 1932 library writings sources
224 String Sextet for two violins, two violas and two violoncellos 1932 library writings sources buy
224 A String Sextet arrangement for string orchestra library writings sources buy
223 Melo music for the French film 1932 library writings sources
222 Note into a Scrapbook (No. 1) 1932 library writings sources
221 To Božánek and Sonička 1932 library writings sources buy
220 Dance Sketches 1932 library writings sources buy
219 Sinfonia Concertante for two orchestras 1932 library writings sources buy
218 Serenade No. 3 for oboe, clarinet, four violins and violoncello 1932 library writings sources buy
217 Serenade No. 1 for clarinet, french horn, three violins and viola 1932 library writings sources buy
216 Serenade No. 2 for two violins and viola 1932 library writings sources buy
215 Divertimento (Serenade No. 4) for chamber orchestra 1932 library writings sources buy
214 I The Chap-Book, 1st version ballet with singing in 3 acts 1932 library writings sources
214 C Two Dances from the Ballet "Chap-Book" 1932 library writings sources buy
214 A First Orchestral Suite from the Ballet "Chap-Book" 1940 library writings sources buy
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