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Page 2 of 5, showing 100 records out of 460 total

Halbreich number Title Subtitle Year of origin Docs at NBM library Writings Sources Buy
254 Sonata for Flute, Violin and Piano 1937 library writings sources buy
256 String Quartet No. 4 1937 library writings sources buy
258 The Hounted Train 1937 library writings sources buy
262 Sonatine for Violin and Piano 1937 library writings sources buy
265 Trio for Flute, Violin and Bassoon 1937 library writings sources
268 String Quartet No. 5 1938 library writings sources buy
269 Concertino for Piano and Orchestra 1938 library writings sources buy
276 II Suite Concertante for Violin and Orchestra [auth.] 1944 library writings sources buy
277 Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 1 1939 library writings sources buy
286 Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 2 1941 library writings sources buy
287 Piano Quartet 1942 library writings sources buy
289 Symphony No. 1 [auth.] 1942 library writings sources buy
292 Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra 1943 library writings sources buy
293 Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 2 1943 library writings sources buy
295 Symphony No. 2 1943 library writings sources buy
298 Piano Quintet No. 2 1944 library writings sources buy
299 Symphony No. 3 [auth.] 1944 library writings sources buy
300 Trio for Flute, Violoncello and Piano 1944 library writings sources buy
303 Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3 1944 library writings sources buy
304 Concerto for violoncello and orchestra No. 2 1945 library writings sources buy
305 Symphony No. 4 [auth.] 1945 library writings sources buy
306 Sonata for Flute and Piano [auth.] 1945 library writings sources buy
310 Symphony No. 5 [auth.] 1946 library writings sources buy
312 String Quartet No. 6 1946 library writings sources buy
314 String Quartet No. 7 (Concerto da camera) 1947 library writings sources buy
315 Quartet for Oboe, Violin, Violoncello and Piano 1947 library writings sources buy
316 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 3 1948 library writings sources buy
318 The Fifth Day of the Fifth Moon [auth.] 1948 library writings sources buy
319 The Bouquinistes from the Quai Malaquais 1948 library writings sources buy
329 Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra [auth.] 1950 library writings sources buy
340 Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 3 1952 library writings sources buy
342 Concerto for Violin, Piano and Orchestra [auth.] 1953 library writings sources
343 Symphony No. 6 (Fantaisies Symphoniques) 1953 library writings sources buy
350 Sonata for Piano 1954 library writings sources buy
353 Concerto for Oboe and Small Orchestra 1955 library writings sources buy
355 Sonata for Viola and Piano 1955 library writings sources buy
356 Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano [auth.] 1956 library writings sources buy
357 Sonatina for Trumpet and Piano 1956 library writings sources buy
358 Incantation. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 4 1956 library writings sources buy
362 Adagio (Memories) 1957 library writings sources buy
124ter Windows into the Mist library writings sources
368 Sonata for Harpsichord 1958 library writings sources buy
371 Duo for Violin and Violoncello No. 2 1958 library writings sources buy
373 Songs for a Children`s Choir 1959 library writings sources buy
377 Two Pieces for Two Violoncellos 1959 library writings sources buy
379 The Bird Feast 1959 library writings sources buy
226 Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 1933 library writings sources buy
184bis Three Christmas Songs 1929 library writings sources buy
214 C Two Dances from the Ballet "Chap-Book" 1932 library writings sources buy
122bis The Little Lullaby [auth.] 1919 library writings sources
123bis Foxtrot born “On the Corner” 1920 library writings sources buy
125bis The Ceremonial March of "Kytara" 1920 library writings sources
126bis Foxtrot 1920 library writings sources buy
130 B Second Orchestral Suite From the Ballet "Istar" 1961 library writings sources buy
133 A Orchestral suite from the ballet Who is the Most Powerful in the World? 1959 library writings sources
135bis Two Songs on Russian Poetry 1922 library writings sources
146bis Three Lullabies 1925 library writings sources
153 A Orchestral suite from the ballet The Butterfly that Stamped 1926 library writings sources buy
173bis Par T.S.F. Nejpozději / No later than 1926 library writings sources buy
213bis Two Songs 1932 library writings sources buy
214 A First Orchestral Suite from the Ballet "Chap-Book" 1940 library writings sources buy
214 B Second Orchestral Suite from the Ballet "Chap-Book" 1940 library writings sources buy
277bis Czech Riddles 1939 library writings sources
279bis Wishes to Mamma 1939 library writings sources
285bis Dumka No. 3 1941 library writings sources buy
286bis A Merry Christmas 1941 1941 library writings sources
304bis Berceuse 1945 library writings sources
4bis Piano Sketch of an Orchestral Composition 1909 library writings sources
59bis Five Piano Pieces for Easter 1912 1912 library writings sources
65bis Chanson 1912 library writings sources
93 Dances with Veils 1914 library writings sources
106 What a Nice Time 1917 library writings sources
283bis Rhymes and Songs on Lyrics of Czech Folk Poetry 1940 library writings sources
86bis Prelude 1913 library writings sources
122 The Cat`s Procession in the Solstice Night 1919 library writings sources buy
251bis Let`s repose 1936 library writings sources
267bis (17bis) library writings sources
124bis Andante 1920 library writings sources
145 Instructive Duo for the Nervous People 1925 library writings sources buy
150 String Quartet No. 2 1925 library writings sources buy
230 Easter Song 1933 library writings sources buy
115 Three Songs 1918 library writings sources
117 String Quartet No. 1 1918 library writings sources buy
120 Sonata in C Major for Violin and Piano 1919 library writings sources buy
140 Prelude [auth.] 1924 library writings sources buy
141 Piano piece (without title) 1924 library writings sources buy
147 Chinese Songs 1925 library writings sources
101 Six Polkas 1916 library writings sources
103 String Quartet in E flat major 1917 library writings sources
105 Snow 1917 library writings sources
110 Six Simple Songs 1917 library writings sources
111 Shepherd`s Sunday Song 1917 library writings sources
114 Lullabies 1918 library writings sources
152 Sonata in D Minor for Violin and Piano 1926 library writings sources buy
286ter Birthday 1942 1942 library writings sources
157bis The Hands 1927 library writings sources
157 Duo for Violin and Violoncello No. 1 1927 library writings sources buy
158 For Dance 1927 library writings sources buy
160 Three Sketches 1927 library writings sources buy
182 Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 1 1929 library writings sources buy
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