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Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 29.04.1919 Polička KalJ 1919-04-29 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 03.01.1921 Prague KalJ 1921-01-03 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka Polička KalJ 0000-00-00b Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka Jimramov KalJ 0000-00-00a Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 19.07.1920 Štrbské pleso,... KalJ 1920-07-19 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 16.07.1920 Bratislava KalJ 1920-07-16 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 10.02.1920 Polička KalJ 1920-02-10 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 26.12.1919 Polička KalJ 1919-12-26 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 28.10.1919 Prague KalJ 1919-10-28 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 18.11.1922 Prague KalJ 1922-11-18 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 23.08.1922 Polička KalJ 1922-08-23 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 11.05.1922 Naples KalJ 1922-05-11 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 25.04.1922 Venice KalJ 1922-04-25 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 06.12.1922 Vienna KalJ 1922-12-06 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Kalášková, Jožka 23.11.1922 Polička KalJ 1922-11-23 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Minařík, Stanislav 21.09.1934 Paris Min 1934-09-21 Letter
Deutsch, Pavel Verdier, Jean 31.03.1940 Lausanne Deu 1940-03-31 Letter
Bozděch, Alexandr (Advokátní poradna 1) Musil, Vlastimil (Státní hudební vydavatelství) 03.07.1964 Prague SNKLHU 1964-07-03 Letter
Bébr, Richard (Státní notářství pro Prahu 1) Bozděch, Alexandr (Advokátní poradna 1) 13.06.1962 Prague AP 1962-06-13 Letter
Podhajská, Zdenka McMaster, Brian (Welsh National Opera) 13.07.1981 Pod 1981-07-13 Letter
Smith, George Henry Lowett (Cleveland Orchestra) Hajný, Emanuel Jan (Konzulát ČSR v Clevelandu) 10.12.1943 Cleveland, Ohio CO 1943-12-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Dapeciová, Božena 15.09.1922 Prague Dap 1922-09-15 Letter
Downes, Olin Burk, John N. 24.02.1955 BSO 1955-02-24 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Downes, ? 27.08.1955 Vieux-Moulin Dow 1955-08-27 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Meisel, Otmar 11.11.1954 Nice Mei 1954-11-11 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Castagnola-Bogorad, Hope 21.03.1953 New York, NY Cas 1953-03-21 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Castagnola, Salvatore 12/1941 New York, NY Cas 1941-12-00 Varia
Langenegger, Edwin (SUISA) Feist, Leonard (Associated Music Publishers) 21.06.1960 Zürich AMP 1960-06-21 Letter
Langenegger, Edwin (SUISA) Feist, Leonard (Associated Music Publishers) 10.01.1960 Zürich AMP 1960-11-10 Letter
Streuli, Adolf (SUISA) Feist, Leonard (Associated Music Publishers) 20.04.1960 Zürich AMP 1960-04-20 Letter
Šebánek, Karel Schneider-Schott, Günther (Schott Music GmbH & Co.) 07.03.1967 SM 1967-03-07 Letter
Šebánek, Karel Schneider-Schott, Günther (Schott Music GmbH & Co.) 09.02.1967 Prague SM 1967-02-09 Letter
Kusevickij, Sergej Aleksandrovič (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Reiner, Carlotta 06.09.1943 Lenox, Massachusetts BSO 1943-09-06 Letter
Sprosen, R. W. (Boosey & Hawkes) Swarsenski, Hans (Boosey & Hawkes) 24.04.1950 BH 1950-04-24 Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) Ricketts, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes - Hire Library) 14.01.1948 BH 1948-01-14a Letter
Cunningham, ? (Boosey & Hawkes) Ricketts, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes) 03.09.1946 BH 1946-09-03 Letter
Poth, ? (Boosey & Hawkes) Ricketts, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes) 18.10.1945 BH 1945-10-18 Letter
Osuský, Štefan Šrámek, Msgr. Jan 27.02.1940 Paris Osu 1940-02-27 Letter
Janáček, Bedřich Novenko, Michal (Nadace Bohuslava Martinů) 08.04.1999 Lund Jan 1999-04-08 Letter
Janáček, Bedřich Novenko, Michal 08.05.1999 Lund Jan 1999-05-08 Letter
Bureš, Miloslav Lopour, Jan 1957 Rome BurM 1957-00-00a Postcard
Nies-Berger, Edouard Kaufman, Louis 31.05.1949 New York, NY KauL 1949-05-31 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kaufman, Louis 18.06.1950 New York, NY KauL 1950-06-18 Letter
Nies-Berger, Edouard Kaufman, Louis 10.11.1948 New York, NY KauL 1948-11-10 Letter
Firkušný, Rudolf Kaufman, Louis 13.01.1949 Fir 1949-01-13 Letter
Copland, Aaron Fine, Irwing 08.03.1946 Ridgefield,... Cop 1946-03-08 Letter
Copland, Aaron Fine, Irwing 14.06.1946 Peterborough Cop 1946-06-14 Letter
Klos, Richard (Český hudební fond) Jungerová, Alena 19.03.1975 Prague ČHF 1975-03-19 Letter
Duclos, Didier (Boosey & Hawkes, Paris) Jungerová, Alena (Český hudební fond) 26.09.1974 Paris BH 1974-09-26 Letter
(Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Lovreglio, Eleuterio 29.10.1970 Prague DLA 1970-10-29a Letter
(Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Lovreglio, Eleuterio 17.12.1970 Prague DLA 1970-12-17 Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Schick, George (Metropolitan Opera, New York) 12.10.1960 London BH 1960-10-12 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Tauský, Vilém 11.07.1955 Nice TauV 1955-07-11 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Tauský, Vilém 07.03.1955 TauV 1955-03-07 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kochno, Boris 19.09.1935 Paris KocB 1935-09-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kochno, Boris 01.08.1935 Malakoff KocB 1935-08-01 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kochno, Boris 20.07.1935 Malakoff KocB 1935-07-20 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kochno, Boris 15.06.1935 Malakoff KocB 1935-06-15 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kochno, Boris 11.06.1934 Paris KocB 1934-06-11 Letter
Zajíček, Jeroným Hartlová, Karla 07.01.2004 USA Zaj 2004-01-07 Letter
(Policejní ředitelství Praha) Müller, Václav (Česká filharmonie) 23.06.1923 Prague PŘP 1923-06-23 Varia
(Policejní ředitelství Praha) Müller, Václav 17.11.1922 Prague PŘP 1922-11-17 Varia
(Policejní ředitelství Praha) Müller, Václav 03.04.1922 Prague PŘP 1922-04-03 Varia
Papánek, Ján (United Nations) Smutný, Jaromír (Kancelář prezidenta republiky) 24.01.1947 New York, NY KPR 1947-01-24 Letter
Papánek, Ján (United Nations) Smutný, Jaromír (Kancelář prezidenta republiky) 12.03.1947 New York, NY KPR 1947-03-12 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Růžičková, Eva 22.09.1949 Paris Růž 1949-09-22 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Miřiovská, Ema 24.03.1959 Schönenberg -... MiřE 1959-03-24 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Palivec, Josef (Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČSR) 09.11.1938 Paris PaliJ 1938-11-09 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Pečmanová, Soňa 22.10.1946 New York, NY PečS 1946-10-22 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kolář, Antonín 24.09.1935 Paris Kol 1935-09-24 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Štědroň, Vladimír (Pražská konzervatoř) 17.12.1923 Paris ŠtěVl 1923-12-17 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Střelcová, Věra 24.11.1935 Paris Stř 1935-11-24 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Střelcová, Věra 01.10.1936 Paris Stř 1936-10-01 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Čechová, Lydie 1916 Polička ČecL 1916-00-00 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Čechová, Lydie 1917 ČecL 1917-00-00 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 17.04.1954 Nice Des 1954-04-17 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 08.03.1938 Paris Des 1938-03-08 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 23.01.1938 Paris Des 1938-01-23 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 22.12.1937 Nice Des 1937-12-22 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 13.12.1937 Nice Des 1937-12-13 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 30.11.1937 Nice Des 1937-11-30 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 24.11.1937 Nice Des 1937-11-24 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 05.11.1937 Paris Des 1937-11-05 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Desarzens, Victor 30.10.1937 Paris Des 1937-10-30 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Štraus, Ivan 15.10.1974 Vieux-Moulin ŠtrI 1974-10-15 Letter
Janáček, Bedřich Štraus, Ivan (Nadace Bohuslava Martinů) 21.11.2002 Lund Jan 2002-11-21 Letter
Vaněk, Vladimír - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow (Sklizeň) 29.01.1957 Rome VanV 1957-01-29 Letter, Varia
Martinů, Bohuslav - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 21.10.1934 Paris MarBo 1934-10-21 Letter
Fournier, Pierre - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow (BBC Symphony Orchestra ) 03.01.1939 Paris Fou 1939-01-03 Letter
Fournier, Jean-Pierre - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow (British Broadcasting Corporation) 29.10.2009 Geneva Fou 2009-10-29 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 14.05.1978 Prague ŠafM 1978-05-14 Letter
(Princeton University) - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 10.05.1950 PU 1950-05-10 Varia
Deutsch, Pavel - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 10.08.1940 Rio de Janeiro Deu 1940-08-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow xxx 0000-00-00a Letter
- Odesílatel neznámý, Sender unknown - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 04/1958 Brno Bak 1958-04-00 Varia
Zouhar, Zdeněk - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 14.04.1966 Brno Zou 1966-04-14 Letter
Kundera, Rudolf - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 1939 Paris KunR 1939-00-00 Letter
Roussel, Albert - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow 07.06.1935 Sainte... RouA 1935-06-07 Letter
Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow Neauphle-le-Château Rib 0000-00-00a Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kellerhals, Max 27.06.1958 Kel 1958-06-27 Letter
Cox, Sally (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Crump, M. 04.03.1986 BH 1986-03-04 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Graham, Hugh (EMI Records) 15.02.1980 BH 1980-02-15 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes) Weller, Walter (Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society) 25.09.1979 United Kingdom BH 1979-09-25a Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Larner, Gerald 25.09.1979 BH 1979-09-25b Letter
Sprague-Coolidge, Elisabeth Maas, Robert (Pro Arte Quartet) 06.03.1930 Los Angeles,... Spr 1930-03-06 Letter
Löwenbach, Jan Wellek, René (University of Iowa) 01.04.1942 USA Löw 1942-04-01 Letter
Hajný, Emanuel Jan (Konzulát ČSR v Clevelandu) Sidlo, Thomas L. (Cleveland Orchestra) 06.10.1943 Cleveland, Ohio CO 1943-10-06 Letter
Löwenbach, Jan Sidlo, Thomas L. (Cleveland Orchestra) 07.03.1942 USA Löw 1942-03-07 Letter
Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) Levinger, Henry (Musical Courier) 13.09.1956 Chicago, Illinois FMF 1956-09-13j Letter
Löwenbach, Jan Levinger, Henry (Musical Courier) USA Löw 0000-00-00b Letter
Kalmus, Alfred Philipp, Ernst (Universal Edition) 29.07.1958 London UE 1958-07-29 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Bauer, Maria (Universal Edition) 18.12.1955 New York, NY UE 1955-12-18 Postcard
Hajný, Emanuel Jan (Konzulát ČSR v Clevelandu) Smith, George Henry Lowett (Cleveland Orchestra) 17.12.1943 Cleveland, Ohio CO 1943-12-17 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Smith, George Henry Lowett (Cleveland Orchestra) 10/1943 New York, NY CO 1943-10-00 Letter
Veissi, Jascha Smith, George Henry Lowett (Cleveland Orchestra) 09.01.1952 Claremont,... CO 1952-01-09 Letter
Vötterle, Karl (Bärenreiter, Kassel) Wedekind, Hermann (Basler Stadttheater ) 24.01.1959 Bär 1959-01-24a Letter
Vötterle, Karl (Bärenreiter, Kassel) Wedekind, Hermann (Basler Stadttheater ) 05.12.1958 Bär 1958-12-05a Letter
Rodziński, Artur (New York Philharmonic) Schieffelin, William (American Friends of Czechoslovakia ) 10.07.1943 Stockbridge,... RodA 1943-07-10 Letter
Rodziński, Artur (New York Philharmonic) Zirato, Bruno (New York Philharmonic) 06.09.1943 Stockbridge,... RodA 1943-09-06 Letter
Rodziński, Artur (New York Philharmonic) Zirato, Bruno (New York Philharmonic) 16.06.1943 Stockbridge,... RodA 1943-06-16 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Miller, ? (Cleveland Orchestra) 17.11.1957 Schönenberg -... CO 1957-11-17 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Valenta, Jiří (Panton) 20.12.1974 Vieux-Moulin PAN 1974-12-20 Letter
Pechold, Zdeněk (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Nečesaný, Josef (Pěvecké sdružení pražských učitelů) 03.12.1963 Prague DLA 1963-12-03 Letter
Pechold, Zdeněk (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Nečesaný, Josef (Pěvecké sdružení pražských učitelů) 17.02.1964 Prague DLA 1964-02-17 Letter
Gradenwitz, Peter (Israeli Music Publications Ltd.) Nečesaný, Josef (Pěvecké sdružení pražských učitelů) 02.07.1963 Tel Aviv Gra 1963-07-02b Letter
Sacher, Paul Hartmann, Ernst (Universal Edition) 08.10.1959 Schönenberg -... UE 1959-10-08a Letter
Sacher, Paul Hartmann, Ernst (Universal Edition) 10.10.1958 Schönenberg -... UE 1958-10-10 Letter
Sacher, Paul Hartmann, Ernst (Universal Edition) 15.08.1956 UE 1956-08-15 Letter
Schlee, Alfred (Universal Edition) Hartmann, Ernst (Universal Edition) 22.11.1966 Vienna UE 1966-11-22 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Hartmann, Ernst 15.02.1959 Schönenberg -... UE 1959-02-15 Letter
Sacher, Paul Hartmann, Ernst (Universal Edition) 01.05.1958 UE 1958-05-01 Letter
Sacher, Paul Füssl, Karl Heinz (Universal Edition) 04.01.1960 Schönenberg -... UE 1960-01-04 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zimbalist, Efrem (Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia) 06.12.1955 New York, NY Zim 1955-12-06 Letter
Gardavský, Čeněk (Ministerstvo školství a kultury ČSR) Hejzlar, Tomáš 05.07.1966 Prague MŠ 1966-07-05 Letter
Jirák, Karel Boleslav Hejzlar, Tomáš 11/1971 Chicago, Illinois JirK 1971-11-00 Letter
Deutsch, Pavel Hejzlar, Tomáš 22.10.1975 Deu 1975-10-22 Letter
Valenta, Jaromír (Panton) Geislerová, ? (Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním) 13.06.1975 Prague PAN 1975-06-13 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Sluka, Luboš (Panton) 10.09.1973 Vieux-Moulin PAN 1973-09-10 Letter
Klos, Richard (Český hudební fond) Sluka, Luboš (Panton) 07.05.1975 PAN 1975-05-07a Letter
Klos, Richard (Český hudební fond) Sluka, Luboš (Panton) 22.04.1974 Prague PAN 1974-04-22 Letter
Geislerová, ? (Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním) Sluka, Luboš (Panton) 22.05.1975 Prague PAN 1975-05-22 Letter
Marková, ? (Panton) Šinkmanová, (Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním) 21.10.1974 Prague PAN 1974-10-21 Letter
Marková, ? (Panton) Šinkmanová, (Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním) 16.10.1974 Prague PAN 1974-10-16 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Vinařický, Jiří (Supraphon) 20.02.1974 Vieux-Moulin SNKLHU 1974-02-20 Letter
Mihule, Jaroslav Marková, ? (Panton) 12.12.1974 Prague PAN 1974-12-12 Letter, List of Works
(Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním) Marková, ? (Panton) 24.10.1974 Prague PAN 1974-10-24 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Lowery, Cliff (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 25.04.1958 New York, NY BH 1958-04-25 Letter
Fromm, Paul Siegel, Seymour (WNYC) 26.09.1956 FMF 1956-09-26a Letter
Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes) Siegel, Seymour (WNYC) 21.03.1958 USA BH 1958-03-21a Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Rosen, Carl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 23.01.1956 London BH 1956-01-23 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Rosen, Carl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 15.03.1956 BH 1956-03-15b Letter
Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Wiener, Jeanette (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 16.06.1955 London BH 1955-06-16 Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Bielefeldt, Edgar (Boosey & Hawkes, Bonn) 16.05.1955 BH 1955-05-16 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Garside, Rodney (Pasadena Civic Music Association) 25.03.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-03-25 Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 05.10.1956 London BH 1956-10-05 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 16.09.1957 New York, NY BH 1957-09-16 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 05.04.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-04-05 Letter
Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 21.10.1955 BH 1955-10-21 Letter
James, Muriel (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 11.05.1960 London BH 1960-05-11b Letter
Sacher, Paul Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 12.08.1960 Basel BH 1960-08-12 Letter
Sacher, Paul Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 24.08.1960 Basel BH 1960-08-24 Letter
Straker, Ken (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 30.06.1955 BH 1955-06-30 Letter
Pechold, Zdeněk (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 04.08.1971 Prague BH 1971-08-04 Letter
(Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 18.08.1971 Prague BH 1971-08-18 Letter
Pechold, Zdeněk (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 28.12.1971 Prague BH 1971-12-28 Letter
Smeed, S. Ampenoff, Rufina 24.09.1958 BH 1958-09-24 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Henderson, Jack 19.02.1951 USA BH 1951-02-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Vranken, Jos (Die Haghe Sanghers) HS 0000-00-00a Letter
Vötterle, Karl (Bärenreiter, Kassel) Vranken, Jos 10.12.1958 Bär 1958-12-10b Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Vranken, Jos (Die Haghe Sanghers) 10.04.1958 Schönenberg -... HS 1958-04-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Vranken, Jos (Die Haghe Sanghers) 19.09.1951 Vieux-Moulin HS 1951-09-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Vranken, Jos (Die Haghe Sanghers) 24.01.1953 New York, NY HS 1953-01-24 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 07.09.1961 Vieux-Moulin HS 1961-09-07 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 07.02.1961 Nice HS 1961-02-07 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 24.07.1960 Vieux-Moulin HS 1960-07-24 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 1963 Nice HS 0000-00-00b Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 01.08.1966 Vieux-Moulin HS 1966-08-01 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 16.11.1958 Schönenberg -... HS 1958-11-16 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 30.09.1963 Vieux-Moulin HS 1963-09-30 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 07.11.1962 Vieux-Moulin HS 1962-11-07 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 08.07.1962 Vieux-Moulin HS 1962-07-08 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 22.02.1962 Vieux-Moulin HS 1962-02-22 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Prins, Albert 18.03.1962 Vieux-Moulin HS 1962-03-18 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Prins, Albert (Die Haghe Sanghers) 02.05.1955 HS 1955-05-02 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Prins, Albert (Die Haghe Sanghers) 07.10.1954 Nice HS 1954-10-07 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Prins, Albert (Die Haghe Sanghers) 25.01.1953 HS 1953-01-25 Letter
Vötterle, Karl (Bärenreiter, Kassel) Prins, Albert 12.11.1958 Bär 1958-11-12a Letter
(Boosey & Hawkes) Ayres, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 03.12.1953 BH 1953-12-03 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Ayres, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 10.11.1953 USA BH 1953-11-10 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Ayres, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 24.04.1953 USA BH 1953-04-24 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Ayres, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 16.01.1952 New York, NY BH 1952-01-16a Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Ayres, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 21.02.1951 BH 1951-02-21b Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Ayres, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 17.04.1952 USA BH 1952-04-17 Letter
Straker, Ken (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Gishford, Anthony (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 04.12.1957 BH 1957-12-04 Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) Gishford, Anthony (Boosey & Hawkes) 12.07.1948 BH 1948-07-12a Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Gishford, Anthony (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 18.08.1950 BH 1950-08-18a Letter
Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes, London) James, Muriel (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 14.01.1958 London BH 1958-01-14 Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) James, Muriel (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 10.03.1958 London BH 1958-03-10a Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Bois, Mario (Boosey & Hawkes, Paris) 25.09.1964 USA BH 1964-09-25 Letter
Boufathal, Nelly (Boosey & Hawkes, Paris) Pool, A. P. (Sonorous Works (Boosey & Hawkes)) 17.03.1964 Paris BH 1964-03-17b Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kusevickij, Olga 10.01.1956 New York, NY BSO 1956-01-10 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš (Československá informační služba) Kusevickij, Olga 07.09.1943 New York, NY BSO 1943-09-07 Letter
Bekhtereva, Nina Hanč, Josef 04.03.1937 Boston,... BSO 1937-03-04 Letter
Wood, Henry (Boosey & Hawkes) 10.04.1943 London BH 1943-04-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav (Universal Edition) 23.08.1926 Polička UE 1926-08-23 Letter
Straker, Ken (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Boosey, J. (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 11.12.1957 BH 1957-12-11 Letter
Graham, Hugh (EMI Records) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 18.02.1980 London BH 1980-02-18 Letter
Graham, Hugh (EMI Records) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 12.02.1980 London BH 1980-02-12 Letter
Gray, Stephen (Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 25.09.1979 Liverpool BH 1979-09-25c Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 15.09.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-09-15 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 09.09.1955 BH 1955-09-09 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 18.08.1955 BH 1955-08-18 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 02.06.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-06-02 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 02.03.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-03-02 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 23.02.1955 USA BH 1955-02-23 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 03.02.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-02-03 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 21.01.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-01-21 Letter
Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 18.01.1956 Boston,... BH 1956-01-18 Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Perry, Thomas (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 29.03.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-03-29b Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Perry, Thomas (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 20.03.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-03-20 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Perry, Thomas (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 04.11.1955 New York, NY BSO 1955-11-04 Letter
Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 25.10.1955 London BH 1955-10-25c Letter
Veissi, Jascha (Scripps College) Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 18.04.1955 Claremont,... BH 1955-04-18 Letter
Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 09.11.1955 BH 1955-11-09 Letter
(Boosey & Hawkes) Smith, Mary (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 20.05.1955 BH 1955-05-20 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Wooldridge, Clifford (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 15.03.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-03-15a Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Wooldridge, Clifford (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 14.06.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-06-14 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Wooldridge, Clifford (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 14.12.1950 New York, NY BH 1950-12-14 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Wooldridge, Clifford (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 09.01.1952 New York, NY BH 1952-01-09 Letter
Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 31.10.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-10-31 Letter
Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 28.10.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-10-28 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 27.10.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-10-27 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 28.09.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-09-28a Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 14.02.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-02-14 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 06.01.1955 Nice BSO 1955-01-06 Telegram
Martinů, Bohuslav Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 24.11.1954 Nice BSO 1954-11-24 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš Kopelent, Marek (Státní hudební vydavatelství) 31.10.1961 SNKLHU 1961-10-31 Varia
Šafránek, Miloš Šolc, Milan (Supraphon) 26.03.1977 Prague SNKLHU 1977-03-26 Letter
Merritt, Arthur Tillman Brown, John Nicholas, Jr. 02.06.1947 Cambridge,... Mer 1947-06-02b Letter
Carfray, Margaret (Walden String Quartet) Merritt, Arthur Tillman (Harvard University, Cambridge MA) 14.06.1947 Ithaca, New York Mer 1947-06-14 Letter
(Walden String Quartet) Merritt, Arthur Tillman 17.10.1946 Ithaca, New York Mer 1946-10-17 Letter
Brown, Anne S. A. Merritt, Arthur Tillman 13.02.1947 Washington, D.C. Mer 1947-02-13 Letter
Piston, Walter Merritt, Arthur Tillman 07.09.1946 South Woodstock,... Mer 1946-09-07 Letter
Brown, Anne S. A. Merritt, Arthur Tillman (Harvard University, Cambridge MA) 23.11.1946 Providence,... Mer 1946-11-23 Letter
Brown, Anne S. A. Merritt, Arthur Tillman (Harvard University, Cambridge MA) 16.11.1946 Providence,... Mer 1946-11-16 Letter
Brown, Anne S. A. Merritt, Arthur Tillman (Harvard University, Cambridge MA) 23.10.1946 Providence,... Mer 1946-10-23 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Merritt, Arthur Tillman 13.01.1947 New York, NY Mer 1947-01-13 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Merritt, Arthur Tillman 10.04.1947 New York, NY Mer 1947-04-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Merritt, Arthur Tillman 29.01.1947 New York, NY Mer 1947-01-29 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Merritt, Arthur Tillman 28.12.1946 New York, NY Mer 1946-12-28 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Merritt, Arthur Tillman 22.09.1946 New York, NY Mer 1946-09-22 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Merritt, Arthur Tillman 16.09.1946 New York, NY Mer 1946-09-16 Letter
Graham, Martha Merritt, Arthur Tillman 02.06.1946 New York, NY Mer 1946-06-02 Letter
Sprague-Coolidge, Elisabeth Merritt, Arthur Tillman Washington, D.C. Spr 0000-00-00c Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Černušák, Gracian 26.02.1935 Prague ČerG 1935-02-26 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Černušák, Gracian 12.09.1936 Paris ČerG 1936-09-12 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Černušák, Gracian 16.01.1938 Paris ČerG 1938-01-16 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Černušák, Gracian 25.01.1936 Prague ČerG 1936-01-25 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Černušák, Gracian 16.02.1936 Paris ČerG 1936-02-16 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Černušák, Gracian 01.01.1937 Paris ČerG 1937-01-01 Letter
Klos, Richard (Český hudební fond) Duclos, Didier (Boosey & Hawkes, Paris) 05.07.1976 Prague BH 1976-07-05 Letter
Pechold, Zdeněk (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Duclos, Didier (Boosey & Hawkes, Paris) 29.05.1967 Prague BH 1967-05-29 Letter
(Boosey & Hawkes) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 15.05.1958 London BH 1958-05-15a Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Český hudební fond) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 06.06.1958 Prague BH 1958-06-06 Letter
Smith, Mary (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 1955 Boston,... BH 1955-00-00 Letter
Seder, Theodore A. (Edwin A. Fleisher Collection of Orchestral Music) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 25.08.1961 Philadelphia,... BH 1961-08-25 Letter
Rybka, Frank Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 02.11.1960 Jamaica - New... BH 1960-11-02 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 12.07.1958 BH 1958-07-12 Postcard
Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 19.09.1957 London BH 1957-09-19 Letter
Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 13.06.1956 London BH 1956-06-13 Letter
Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 26.03.1956 London BH 1956-03-26a Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 13.09.1955 London BH 1955-09-13 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 30.08.1955 London BH 1955-08-30 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 05.08.1955 London BH 1955-08-05 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 10.06.1955 London BH 1955-06-10 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 17.05.1955 London BH 1955-05-17 Letter
Garside, Rodney (Pasadena Civic Music Association) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 30.03.1955 Pasadena, California BH 1955-03-30 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 09.02.1955 London BH 1955-02-09 Letter
Coombs, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 26.01.1955 London BH 1955-01-26 Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 23.12.1954 London BH 1954-12-23 Letter
Branin, LaDora (Columbia Artists Management, Inc., New York) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 25.11.1953 New York, NY BH 1953-11-25a Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 14.08.1953 New York, NY BH 1953-08-14 Letter
Ayres, Pearl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 03.07.1953 London BH 1953-07-03b Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 08.10.1964 BH 1964-10-08 Varia
Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 19.10.1955 Boston,... BH 1955-10-19 Letter
Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 21.09.1955 BH 1955-09-21 Letter
Burkat, Leonard (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 17.02.1955 Boston,... BH 1955-02-17 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Lakond, Wladimir (Southern Music Publishing Co.) 05.06.1964 Vieux-Moulin SMP 1964-06-05 Letter
(Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Lakond, Wladimir (Southern Music Publishing Co.) 12.11.1958 New York, NY BH 1958-11-12b Varia
Martinů, Bohuslav Maxová, Zdenka Polička Max 0000-00-00a Letter
Andrewes, John (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Reinbach, E. (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 13.10.1961 BH 1961-10-13 Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Reinbach, E. (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 21.03.1958 London BH 1958-03-21c Letter
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Reinbach, E. 10.03.1958 London BH 1958-03-10b Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Reinbach, E. (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 17.02.1959 USA BH 1959-02-17 Letter
Smith, Gertrude (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Reinbach, E. (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 08/1958 USA BH 1958-08-00 Letter
Smith, George Henry Lowett (Cleveland Orchestra) Veissi, Jascha (Scripps College) 14.01.1953 Cleveland, Ohio CO 1953-01-14 Letter
Smith, George Henry Lowett (Cleveland Orchestra) Veissi, Jascha 15.12.1952 Cleveland, Ohio CO 1952-12-15b Letter
Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes) Veissi, Jascha (Scripps College) 22.04.1955 BH 1955-04-22 Letter
Holton, Bob (Boosey & Hawkes) Veissi, Jascha 15.04.1955 BH 1955-04-15 Letter
Streuli, Adolf (SUISA) (Český hudební fond) 08.06.1960 Zürich ČHF 1960-06-08 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 15.12.1933 London RamM 1933-12-15 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Ramsay, Mary 13.02.1934 Paris RamM 1934-02-13 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Ramsay, Mary 20.10.1933 Prague RamM 1933-10-20 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Ramsay, Mary 19.08.1933 Paris RamM 1933-08-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Ramsay, Mary 22.06.1933 Paris RamM 1933-06-22 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 19.02.1934 London RamM 1934-02-19 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 21.12.1933 London RamM 1933-12-21 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Šemberová, Zora 25.05.1934 Paris Šem 1934-05-25 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav UrbL 1935-00-00 List of Corrections
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 10.10.1935 Paris UrbL 1935-10-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 20.12.1936 Paris UrbL 1936-12-20 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 21.10.1936 Paris UrbL 1936-10-21 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 30.05.1936 Paris UrbL 1936-05-30 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 19.03.1936 Paris UrbL 1936-03-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 09.07.1935 Paris UrbL 1935-07-09 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 29.06.1935 Paris UrbL 1935-06-29 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 04.04.1932 Paris UrbL 1932-04-04 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 24.11.1935 Paris UrbL 1935-11-24 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 01.11.1935 Paris UrbL 1935-11-01 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Urban, Ladislav 15.08.1935 Paris UrbL 1935-08-15 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Vrbovec, Oldřich 21.09.1934 Paris Vrb 1934-09-21 Letter
Janele, Jan Čeněk, Bohumil 09.11.1957 Polička JanF 1957-11-09 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Hlavsa, Josef (Národní výbor v Poličce) 22.03.1956 New York, NY NVP 1956-03-22 Letter
Bureš, Miloslav Janelovi, 04.07.1959 Basel BurM 1959-07-04 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Šaffová, Helena 21.02.1927 Paris ŠafH 1927-02-21 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Berkovcová, Božena 18.12.1956 Rome BerB 1956-12-18 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Berkovcová, Božena 20.12.1919 Polička BerB 1919-12-20 Letter
Martinů, Marie Berkovcová, Božena 11.08.1952 Polička BerB 1952-08-11 Letter
Pražanová, Marie Kahuda, František (Ministerstvo školství a kultury ČSR) 03/1960 Polička MŠ 1960-03-00 Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Státní hudební vydavatelství) Kahuda, František (Ministerstvo školství a kultury ČSR) 20.05.1961 Prague MŠ 1961-05-20 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Kvapil, Jaroslav 23.09.1928 Polička Kva 1928-09-23 Letter
Ward, Tessa (Thames & Hudson) Eckstein, Pavel (Národní divadlo v Praze) 22.10.1971 ND 1971-10-22 Letter
Ward, Tessa (Thames & Hudson) Eckstein, Pavel (Národní divadlo v Praze) 05.04.1972 ND 1972-04-05 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Herkel', Teodor 22.01.1947 New York, NY HerT 1947-01-22 Letter
Slovák, Ladislav Kočí, Přemysl (Národní divadlo v Praze) 18.03.1970 Bratislava ND 1970-03-18 Letter
Holzknecht, Václav Kočí, Přemysl (Národní divadlo v Praze) 19.12.1975 ND 1975-12-19 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Kočí, Přemysl (Národní divadlo v Praze) 12.01.1976 Vieux-Moulin ND 1976-01-12 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Kočí, Přemysl (Národní divadlo v Praze) 07.11.1975 Vieux-Moulin ND 1975-11-07 Letter
(Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Čubr, Antonín (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) 27.11.1967 Prague DLA 1967-11-27 Letter
Neveux, Georges Čubr, Antonín (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) 07.06.1967 Paris DLA 1967-06-07 Letter
Kozák, ? (Národní divadlo v Praze) Čubr, Antonín (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) 04.12.1958 Prague ND 1958-12-04 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Spiess, Eric (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 01.12.1963 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1963-12-01 Letter
Sacher, Paul Litz, Ludowika (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 14.08.1961 Schönenberg -... Bär 1961-08-14 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 20.08.1960 Prague BÄR 1960-08-20 Letter
Böntgen, Werner (Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden) Oeser, Fritz (Alkor-Edition) 18.11.1965 Wiesbaden BÄR 1965-11-18 Letter
Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 05.06.1963 Bär 1963-06-05 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 08.09.1963 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1963-09-08 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 29.05.1963 Prague Bär 1963-05-29 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 07.11.1962 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1962-11-07 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 10.06.1964 Prague Bär 1964-06-10 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 14.12.1963 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1963-12-14 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 12.01.1962 Nice Bär 1962-01-12 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 02.01.1962 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1962-01-02 Varia
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 12.12.1961 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1961-12-12 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 20.11.1961 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1961-11-20 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 11.09.1961 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1961-09-11 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 11.08.1961 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1961-08-11 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Oeser, Fritz (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 12.07.1961 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1961-07-12 Letter
Hammes, Anne (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 11.09.1956 FMF 1956-09-11a Letter
Hammes, Anne (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 05.09.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-09-05 Letter
Toobin, Jerome (The Symphony of the Air) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 29.08.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-08-29a Letter
Schang III (3rd), Frederick Christian (Columbia Artists Management, Inc., New York) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 21.08.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-08-21b Letter
Hammes, Anne (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 21.08.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-08-21a Letter
Hammes, Anne (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 31.05.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-05-31 Letter
Schang III (3rd), Frederick Christian (Columbia Artists Management, Inc., New York) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 28.05.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-05-28 Letter
Barker, Miriam (Columbia Artists Management, Inc., New York) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 30.04.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-04-30 Letter
Kolodney, William (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 12.04.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-04-12 Letter
Schang III (3rd), Frederick Christian (Columbia Artists Management, Inc., New York) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 04.04.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-04-04a Letter
Schang III (3rd), Frederick Christian (Columbia Artists Management, Inc., New York) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 08.03.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-03-08b Letter
Kolodney, William (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 08.03.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-03-08a Letter
Copland, Aaron Fromm, Paul 06.09.1956 Peterborough FMF 1956-09-06c Letter
Zirato, Bruno (Columbia Artists Management, Inc., New York) Fromm, Paul 22.03.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-03-22 Letter
Stokowski, Leopold Fromm, Paul 18.09.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-09-18 Letter
Toobin, Jerome (The Symphony of the Air) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 20.09.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-09-20a Letter
Hammes, Anne (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 26.09.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-09-26c Letter
Toobin, Jerome (The Symphony of the Air) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 08.10.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-10-08b Letter
Siegel, Seymour (WNYC) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 03.10.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-10-03 Letter
Hammes, Anne (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 31.10.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-10-31b Letter
George, John A. St. (WFUV) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 08.10.1956 New York, NY FMF 1956-10-08a Letter
Streuli, Adolf (SUISA) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 08.06.1960 Zürich FMF 1960-06-08 Letter
(SUISA) Fromm, Paul (Fromm Music Foundation) 13.07.1960 Zürich FMF 1960-07-13 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 20.10.1970 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1970-10-20 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 27.05.1968 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1968-05-27 Letter
Vötterle, Karl (Bärenreiter, Kassel) Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 12.11.1958 Bär 1958-11-12d Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 18.04.1969 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1969-04-18 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 02.04.1968 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1968-04-02 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 11.09.1967 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1967-09-11 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 18.05.1967 Prague Bär 1967-05-18 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Timaeus, Wolfgang (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 24.04.1967 Vieux-Moulin Bär 1967-04-24 Letter
Baum, Richard (Bärenreiter, Kassel) Hager, Inge (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 17.08.1959 Bär 1959-08-17a Letter
Baum, Richard (Bärenreiter, Kassel) Hager, Inge (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 16.03.1959 Bär 1959-03-16b Varia
Martinů, Bohuslav Hager, Inge (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 03.07.1959 Bär 1959-07-03 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Hager, Inge (Bärenreiter, Kassel) 10.04.1959 Bär 1959-04-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 22.06.1951 New York, NY BH 1951-06-22 Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 07.06.1958 Prague BH 1958-06-07 Letter
Sandford, Donald (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) 05.05.1957 BH 1957-05-05 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Pandula , Dušan 22.09.1955 Paris NK 1955-09-22 Letter
Kulenkampff, H.-W. (Hessischer Rundfunk) Pandula , Dušan (Novákovo kvarteto) 04.05.1959 Frankfurt am Main NK 1959-05-04 Letter
Voigt, Hilde (Haus der tschechische Kultur) Pandula , Dušan (Novákovo kvarteto) 22.04.1959 Berlin NK 1959-04-22 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Posselt, Ruth 26.06.1942 Middlebury, Vermont PosR 1942-06-26 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Vopršal, Václav 23.10.1925 Paris Vop 1925-10-23 Varia
Martinů, Bohuslav Vopršal, Václav 22.10.1925 Paris Vop 1925-10-22 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 08/1959 Schönenberg -... BH 1959-08-00 Varia
Martinů, Charlotte Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 07.12.1959 Schönenberg -... BH 1959-12-07b Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 19.10.1959 Pierrefonds, Oise BH 1959-10-19 Letter
Walter, Harold (Performing Right Society) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 03.07.1953 London BH 1953-07-03a Letter
Nissim, Rudolf (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 20.03.1953 New York, NY BH 1953-03-20 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 12.09.1956 Schönenberg -... BH 1956-09-12 Postcard
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 02.08.1956 Schönenberg -... BH 1956-08-02b Telegram
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 02.08.1956 Schönenberg -... BH 1956-08-02a Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 10.07.1956 Basel BH 1956-07-10 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 08.05.1956 Basel BH 1956-05-08a Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 28.04.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-04-28 Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 13.04.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-04-13 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 26.03.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-03-26b Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 28.02.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-02-28 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 11.02.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-02-11 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 16.12.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-12-16c Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 09.12.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-12-09 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 20.11.1955 New York, NY BH 1955-11-20 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 09.05.1958 Schönenberg -... BH 1958-05-09 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 05.05.1958 Schönenberg -... BH 1958-05-05 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 22.02.1958 Schönenberg -... BH 1958-02-22 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 14.02.1958 Schönenberg -... BH 1958-02-14 Letter
Achard, Robert Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 22.08.1957 Madrid BH 1957-08-22 Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 15.11.1957 Antverps BH 1957-11-15 Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 15.01.1957 Antverps BH 1957-01-15 Letter
(Carisch) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 24.09.1956 Milan BH 1956-09-24a Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Český hudební fond) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 10.07.1957 Prague BH 1957-07-10 Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 28.06.1956 Prague BH 1956-06-28 Letter
Jarald, Franz (Theaterverlag Eirich) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 06.12.1957 Vienna BH 1957-12-06 Letter
(Krompholz Musik AG) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 03.04.1957 Bern BH 1957-04-03 Letter
van Leeuwen, C. (Koninklijk Helders Mannenkoor) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 05.09.1957 Helder BH 1957-09-05 Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 03.08.1956 Antverps BH 1956-08-03a Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 28.07.1956 Antverps BH 1956-07-28 Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 17.09.1956 Antverps BH 1956-09-17 Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 18.09.1956 Antverps BH 1956-09-18 Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 19.07.1956 Antverps BH 1956-07-19 Letter
de Cock, ? (Agentschap voor Levering van Materialen voor Operas en Operetten voor België en Nederland) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 29.05.1956 Antverps BH 1956-05-29 Letter
Heinsheimer, Hans (G. Schirmer, Inc.) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 20.11.1956 New York, NY BH 1956-11-20 Letter
Holt, Harold Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 20.12.1955 London BH 1955-12-20 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 19.12.1955 Paris BH 1955-12-19 Letter
Shaffer, Peter (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 16.11.1955 London BH 1955-11-16 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 29.10.1955 Paris BH 1955-10-29 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 21.06.1948 New York, NY BH 1948-06-21 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 18.06.1948 New York, NY BH 1948-06-18 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 01.04.1948 New York, NY BH 1948-04-01b Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 01.04.1948 New York, NY BH 1948-04-01a Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 15.03.1948 New York, NY BH 1948-03-15b Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst 06.01.1948 New York, NY BH 1948-01-06 Letter, Varia
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 05.11.1948 New York, NY BH 1948-11-05 Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Melantrich) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 18.10.1948 Prague BH 1948-10-18 Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Melantrich) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 04.02.1948 Prague BH 1948-02-04 Letter
Ampenoff, Rufina (Boosey & Hawkes) Roth, Ernst 04.08.1948 London BH 1948-08-04 Letter
Kitchin, Margaret Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 26.11.1948 London BH 1948-11-26 Letter
Schick, George (Metropolitan Opera, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 09.10.1960 New York, NY BH 1960-10-09 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst 16.07.1958 BH 1958-07-16 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 24.10.1960 Basel BH 1960-10-24 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 21.11.1960 Basel BH 1960-11-21 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš Roth, Ernst 26.11.1959 BH 1959-11-26 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 29.12.1959 Prague BH 1959-12-29 Letter
Šafránek, Miloš Roth, Ernst 26.02.1960 Prague BH 1960-02-26 Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 29.04.1957 Prague BH 1957-04-29 Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 18.06.1957 Prague BH 1957-06-18 Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Český hudební fond) Roth, Ernst 20.12.1956 Prague BH 1956-12-20 Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Český hudební fond) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 28.01.1958 Prague BH 1958-01-28 Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Český hudební fond) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 09.12.1958 Prague BH 1958-12-09 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 24.09.1956 Paris BH 1956-09-24c Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 07.03.1958 BH 1958-03-07a Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 04.01.1958 Schönenberg -... BH 1958-01-04 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 16.03.1958 Schönenberg -... BH 1958-03-16 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 04.04.1958 Schönenberg -... BH 1958-04-04 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 19.04.1959 Switzerland BH 1958-04-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst 13.09.1958 Nice BH 1958-09-13 Letter
Gray, N. C. Roth, Ernst 22.09.1958 BH 1958-09-22b Letter
Rosen, Carl (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 25.01.1956 London BH 1956-01-25 Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 07.04.1953 New York, NY BH 1953-04-07b Letter
(Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 11.05.1953 New York, NY BH 1953-05-11 Letter
Ansermet, Ernest Roth, Ernst 07.07.1948 Longirod BH 1948-07-07 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 01.11.1955 Schönenberg -... BH 1955-11-01 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 25.10.1955 Schönenberg -... BH 1955-10-25a Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 14.10.1955 Schönenberg -... BH 1955-10-14 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 06.10.1955 Schönenberg -... BH 1955-10-06 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 05.10.1955 Schönenberg -... BH 1955-10-05 Letter
Sacher, Paul Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 26.09.1955 Schönenberg -... BH 1955-09-26 Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 03.07.1957 Prague BH 1957-07-03a Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 21.01.1959 Prague BH 1959-01-21 Letter
Strnad, Vojtěch (Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 19.11.1955 Prague BH 1955-11-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 24.06.1956 Schönenberg -... BH 1956-06-24 Letter
Šebánek, Karel (Orbis) Roth, Ernst 03.03.1967 Prague BH 1967-03-03 Letter
Bois, Mario (Boosey & Hawkes, Paris) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 17.03.1964 Paris BH 1964-03-17a Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 08.07.1960 BH 1960-07-08 Letter
Adams, David S. (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) 01.05.1953 New York, NY BH 1953-05-01 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 06.07.1951 New York, NY BH 1951-07-06 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 21.02.1951 BH 1951-02-21a Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 20.12.1950 USA BH 1950-12-20a Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 01.12.1950 USA BH 1950-12-01 Letter
Bean, Betty (Boosey & Hawkes, New York) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 20.06.1950 New York, NY BH 1950-06-20a Letter
Little, James (Boosey & Hawkes, London) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 11.07.1955 BH 1955-07-11b Letter
Šenar, Matěj (Artia, Praha) Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes, London) 15.05.1958 Prague BH 1958-05-15b Letter
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