April 10. 1947.
Dear Mr. Merritt:
I received a letter from Mrs. Edward That who kindly invited me and Mrs. Maritnu to stay at her home during the Symposium concerts. Unfortunately, mrs. Martinu had to leave for Paris a few days ago.
As I am not quite fully recovered from my accident it is necessary that someone accompany me. My friend Mrs Barstow who took care of me in the hospital and to whome my quartet is dedicated will be able to attend the concerts with me. Do you think Mrs. Thaw will be able to accommodate us with two rooms?
If not could you please find accomodations for us?
I hope the change of plans won’t inconvenience you too much.
Please, let me know the dates of rehersales. I am looking forward to seeing you and thank you for your kindess.
Most sincerely
B. Martinu