General information
Type of the document List of Works
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Send date1919
Send date noteWritten: the end of the year 1919 / the beginning of 1920
Recipient (corporation)
Language 2German
AcquiredCopy from Martinů Centre in Polička
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numberPBM Na 9
Former call number at IBMLOW 1919-00-00
Call number at IBMMarBo 1919-00-00
Content and physical description
ContentList of works by BM and list of books and scores owned by BM.
Total number of leaves8
Number of pages bearing text13
NoteThe list contains several unidentified compositions (Píseň břízy; Liskové oříšky; Balonky; Leknín růže; Kostýmové studie - 5 skladeb; Všechny mouchy; Tři skladby - Borová; Preludes - 6 skladeb). -- - -- Date of origin according to the information from BM Centre in Polička: before 1923.
FixationPencil; pen (poem in German, 2 p.)
AttachmentsGerman text of a poem "Bekränzter Kahn" by Tung-Liu-Fan (in pen, unidentified hand) and list of books and scores owned by BM are attached to the list of works.
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour

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