General information
Type of the document Letter, List of Works
SenderSmith, Gertrude
Sender (corporation)Boosey & Hawkes, New York
Note on Sender‘s location[New York]
Send date08.08.1956
RecipientMartinů, Bohuslav
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationSwitzerland
Call number at IBMBH 1956-08-08
Content and physical description
ContentGertrude Smith is sending Bohuslav Martinů a list of the personal materials he has left at Boosey & Hawkes. At the same time, she informs BM that she has found his SERENADE FOR TWO CLARINETS, VIOLIN, VIOLA AND CELLO, which he required in his letter dated 26 June [1956] and which she is sending to him. GS has visited the Ellenville Music Festival.
Total number of leaves3
Number of pages bearing text3
Noteevidently a carbon-copy of sended letter ("COPY" under the text)
Fixationtypescript, handwritten inscription
Markings'SERENADE' underlined
AttachmentsA list of personal materials saved in Boosey & Hawkes and marked as "Mr. Martinu's Personal Property | (being held in separate box in Ocenaside office)" and a list marked as "Taken Out List | The following were taken from Mr. Martinu's 'Personal Box'", both with the date 8.8.1956, were attached to this letter.
Quality of digitisationNot professional black-and-white

Preview only available at the Institute.

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