Page 1 of 1, showing 73 records out of 73 total
Sender |
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Sender‘s location |
BMI call number |
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Type of the document |
Martinů, Charlotte | Kundera, Rudolf | 22.11.1976 | Vieux-Moulin | KunR 1976-11-22 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Klos, Richard | 17.11.1975 | Vieux-Moulin | ČHF 1975-11-17 | | Letter |
(Éditions Max Eschig) | Martinů, Charlotte | 15.05.1975 | Paris | ÉME 1975-05-15 | | Letter |
Vannoy, Robert G. | Šafránek, Miloš | 03.03.1974 | Medford, Oregon | VanR 1974-03-03 | | Letter |
Vannoy, Robert G. | Šafránek, Miloš | 09.04.1972 | Medford, Oregon | VanR 1972-04-09 | | Letter |
Vannoy, Robert G. | Šafránek, Miloš | 04.02.1972 | Medford, Oregon | VanR 1972-02-04 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Eschig, Max (Éditions Max Eschig) | 17.06.1971 | Vieux-Moulin | ÉME 1971-06-17 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Večtomov, Saša | 08.12.1970 | Vieux-Moulin | Več 1970-12-08 | | Letter |
Sturm, George (Associated Music Publishers) | Martinů, Charlotte | 17.01.1969 | New York, NY | AMP 1969-01-17 | | Letter |
Matějček, Jan (Schott Music GmbH & Co.) | Martinů, Charlotte | 13.01.1969 | Mainz | SM 1969-01-13 | | Letter |
Matějček, Jan (Schott Music GmbH & Co.) | Martinů, Charlotte | 31.12.1968 | Mainz | SM 1968-12-31 | | Letter |
(HDS ZAMP) | (SUISA) | 24.06.1960 | | ZAMP 1960-06-24 | | List of Works |
Borri, Biancamaria | Martinů, Bohuslav (Boosey & Hawkes) | 10.05.1960 | Venice | BorB 1960-05-10 | | Letter |
Halbreich, Harry | Martinů, Charlotte | 26.03.1960 | Paris | Hal 1960-03-26 | | Letter |
(Associated Music Publishers) | Martinů, Charlotte | 31.01.1960 | New York, NY | AMP 1960-01-31 | | List of Works |
(SUISA) | | 19.01.1960 | Zürich | SA 1960-01-19b | | Varia |
Martinů, Charlotte | | 1960 | | MarC 1960-00-00 | | List of Works |
Martinů, Charlotte | | 1960 | | MarC 1960-00-00 | | List of Works |
Schiffmann, Blanche | Martinů, Bohuslav | 22.02.1959 | Wörrstadt | SchB 1959-02-22 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | (Schott Music GmbH & Co.) | 19.12.1958 | New York, NY | SM 1958-12-19 | | List of Works |
Martinů, Charlotte | Uchtenhagen, Ulrich | 06.12.1958 | Schönenberg -... | SA 1958-12-06 | | Letter, List of Works |
Měšťan, Jaromír | Martinů, Bohuslav | 23.08.1958 | Schongau | Měš 1958-08-23 | | Postal card |
(Associated Music Publishers) | Martinů, Bohuslav | 31.07.1958 | New York, NY | AMP 1958-07-31 | | List of Works |
Fischer, Eva | Martinů, Bohuslav | 13.05.1958 | Buenos Aires | FisE 1958-05-13 | | Letter |
Rajičić, Stanojlo | Martinů, Bohuslav | 22.02.1958 | Belgrade | RajS 1958-02-22 | | Postcard |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šolc, Karel | 26.03.1957 | Rome | ŠolK 1957-03-26 | | Letter |
Sádlo, Miloš | Martinů, Bohuslav | 13.02.1957 | Prague | SádM 1957-02-13 | | Letter |
French, Richard F. (Associated Music Publishers) | Martinů, Bohuslav | 30.04.1956 | New York, NY | AMP 1956-04-30 | | Letter, Agreement |
Laichter, František | Martinů, Bohuslav | 08.12.1955 | Prague | LaiF 1955-12-08 | | Letter |
(Associated Music Publishers) | Martinů, Bohuslav | 02.08.1955 | New York, NY | AMP 1955-08-02 | | Letter, Varia |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Smetana, František | 13.06.1955 | Nice | SmeF 1955-06-13 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, rodina v Poličce | 14.05.1955 | Nice | Mar 1955-05-14 | | Letter |
Šafránek, Miloš | Martinů, Marie | 01.03.1955 | Prague | Mar 1955-03-01 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | | 1955 | | MarC 1955-00-00 | | Varia |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel (Kniha, n.p.) | 19.07.1954 | Juan-les-Pins | Šeb 1954-07-19 | | Letter |
(Ministerstvo kultury ČSR) | (Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění) | 03/1954 | | SNKLHU 1954-03-00 | | Letter |
Bartoš (skladatel, muzikolog), František | Martinů, Bohuslav | 02.12.1950 | Prague | BarF 1950-12-02 | | Letter |
Tompkins, Merritt (Associated Music Publishers) | Martinů, Bohuslav | 09.03.1950 | New York, NY | AMP 1950-03-09 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel (Melantrich) | 27.08.1948 | | Šeb 1948-08-27 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel (Melantrich) | 18.11.1947 | | Šeb 1947-11-18 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel (Melantrich) | 10.10.1947 | | Šeb 1947-10-10 | | Letter |
Šourek, Otakar | Martinů, Bohuslav | 24.01.1947 | Prague | Šou 1947-01-24 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | (Melantrich) | 11.11.1946 | New York, NY | MEL 1946-11-11 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 15.07.1946 | Great... | MarC 1946-07-15 | | Letter |
Löwenbach, Jan | Bartoš (skladatel, muzikolog), František | 20.11.1945 | | LöwJ 1945-11-20 | | Varia |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel | 02.11.1945 | New York, NY | Šeb 1945-11-02 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šimek-Vojík, Adolf | 01.02.1945 | New York, NY | ŠimV 1945-02-01 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | | 1945 | | MarC 1945-00-00a | | Varia |
Martinů, Bohuslav | | 1945 | | MarC 1945-00-00b | | List of Works |
Löwenbach, Jan | | 06/1944 | New York, NY | LöwJ 1944-06-00 | | Varia |
Löwenbach, Jan | Nissim, Rudolf (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) | 23.05.1944 | | LöwJ 1944-05-23 | | Letter |
Löwenbach, Jan | | 26.01.1944 | | LöwJ 1944-01-26 | | Letter |
Pucová, Helena | Kundera, Rudolf | 15.07.1943 | La Bourboule | KunR 1943-07-15 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 24.09.1942 | | Sac 1942-09-24 | | Letter |
Sacher, Paul | Martinů, Bohuslav | 19.05.1942 | | Sac 1942-05-19 | | Letter |
Voigt, Ernest R. (Associated Music Publishers) | Martinů, Bohuslav | 15.04.1942 | New York, NY | AMP 1942-04-15 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Reis, Claire (League of Composers) | 22.03.1942 | New York, NY | LOC 1942-03-22 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 14.03.1942 | Jamaica - New... | Sac 1942-03-14 | | Letter |
Feuermann, Emanuel | Martinů, Bohuslav | 03.03.1942 | Scarsdale, New York | FeuE 1942-03-03 | | Postal card |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 08.12.1941 | | Sac 1941-12-08 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 26.10.1941 | Jamaica - New... | Sac 1941-10-26 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | (Česká akademie věd a umění) | 20.02.1931 | Paris | AVČR 1931-02-20 | | Letter |
Ewen, David | | | | EweD 0000-00-00b | | Varia |
| | | | BH 0000-00-00j | | List of Works |
Martinů, Charlotte | | | | MarC 0000-00-00h | | List of Works |
| | | | BH 0000-00-00d | | List of Works |
Martinů, Charlotte | | | | MarC 0000-00-00d | | List of Works |
Martinů, Charlotte | | | USA | MarC 0000-00-00a | | Varia |
| | | | BH 0000-00-00f | | List of Works |
Martinů, Charlotte | | | | MarC 0000-00-00c | | List of Works |
| | | | BH 0000-00-00e | | List of Works |
Martinů, Bohuslav | | | | MarBo 0000-00-00o | | List of Works |
| | | | BH 0000-00-00h | | List of Works |