Page 292 of 439, showing 20 records out of 8772 total
Sender |
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Sender‘s location |
BMI call number |
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Type of the document |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Ansermet, Ernest | 02.01.1946 | New York, NY | Ans 1946-01-02 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Martinů, Marie | 1946 | New York, NY | Mar 1946-00-00 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | | 1946 | New York, NY | Mol 1946-00-00 | | Musical note / quotation |
Martinů, Bohuslav | | 1946 | | MarC 1946-00-00 | | Varia |
Burian, Emil František | Martinů, František (bratr) | 31.12.1945 | Prague | BurE 1945-12-31 | | Letter |
Martinů, Marie | Bartoš (skladatel, muzikolog), František | 30.12.1945 | Polička | BarF 1945-12-30 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Kusevickij, Sergej Aleksandrovič (Boston Symphony Orchestra) | 28.12.1945 | New York, NY | BSO 1945-12-28 | | Letter |
Handler, Nathan E. | Martinů, Bohuslav | 27.12.1945 | New York, NY | HanN 1945-12-27 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel | 25.12.1945 | | Šeb 1945-12-25 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, rodina v Poličce | 24.12.1945 | New York, NY | Mar 1945-12-24 | | Letter |
Ripka, Hubert | Martinů, Bohuslav | 22.12.1945 | Prague | RipH 1945-12-22 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, rodina v Poličce | 21.12.1945 | New York, NY | Mar 1945-12-21 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šourek, Otakar | 20.12.1945 | New York, NY | Šou 1945-12-20 | | Letter |
Ripka, Hubert | Masaryk, Jan | 19.12.1945 | Prague | RipH 1945-12-19 | | Letter |
Novotný, Kamil (Ministerstvo školství a národní osvěty ČSR) | | 18.12.1945 | Prague | MŠ 1945-12-18 | | Varia |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, rodina v Poličce | 14.12.1945 | New York, NY | Mar 1945-12-14 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Hurbanová, Olga | 12.12.1945 | New York, NY | HurV 1945-12-12 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Löwenbach, Jan | 12.12.1945 | | Löw 1945-12-12 | | Letter |
Kusevickij, Sergej Aleksandrovič | Leroux, Germaine | 10.12.1945 | Boston,... | BSO 1945-12-10 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Talich, Václav | 08.12.1945 | | Tal 1945-12-08 | | Letter |