Page 111 of 176, showing 50 records out of 8772 total
Sender |
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Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 12.05.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-05-12 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 10.05.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-05-10 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 08.05.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-05-08 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Martinů, Marie | 06.05.1947 | Prague | Mar 1947-05-06 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 02.05.1947 | Boston,... | MarC 1947-05-02 | | Letter |
(Boston Symphony Orchestra) | Kusevickij, Sergej Aleksandrovič | 02.05.1947 | Boston,... | BSO 1947-05-02 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-29 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 28.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-28 | | Letter |
Sacher, Paul | Šafránek, Miloš | 28.04.1947 | Schönenberg -... | Sac 1947-04-28a | | Letter |
Martinů, Marie | Sacher, Paul | 28.04.1947 | | Sac 1947-04-28b | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Martinů, Marie | 24.04.1947 | Prague | Mar 1947-04-24 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 24.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-24 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel (Melantrich) | 24.04.1947 | New York, NY | Šeb 1947-04-24 | | Letter |
Merritt, Arthur Tillman | Martinů, Bohuslav | 24.04.1947 | Cambridge,... | Mer 1947-04-24 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 23.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-23 | | Letter |
Roth, Ernst (Boosey & Hawkes) | (Česká filharmonie) | 23.04.1947 | London | BH 1947-04-23 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 22.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-22 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 18.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-18 | | Letter |
Merritt, Arthur Tillman | Martinů, Bohuslav | 17.04.1947 | Cambridge,... | Mer 1947-04-17 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel | 16.04.1947 | | Šeb 1947-04-16 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 15.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-15 | | Letter |
(Dívčí měšťanská škola v Poličce) | Martinů, Bohuslav | 15.04.1947 | Polička | DMŠP 1947-04-15 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 14.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-14 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 12.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-12 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 11.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-11 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 10.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-10 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Merritt, Arthur Tillman | 10.04.1947 | New York, NY | Mer 1947-04-10 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 09.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-09 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Charlotte | 08.04.1947 | New York, NY | MarC 1947-04-08 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Marie | 06.04.1947 | New York, NY | Mar 1947-04-06 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Pucová, Helena | 06.04.1947 | New York, NY | Puc 1947-04-06 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | (Melantrich) | 06.04.1947 | New York, NY | MEL 1947-04-06 | | Letter |
Merritt, Arthur Tillman | | 06.04.1947 | Cambridge,... | Mer 1947-04-06 | | Varia |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šafránek, Miloš | 05.04.1947 | New York, NY | ŠafM 1947-04-05 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šafránek, Miloš | 05.04.1947 | New York, NY | ŠafM 1947-04-05 | | |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel | 03.04.1947 | New York, NY | Šeb 1947-04-03 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel (Melantrich) | 02.04.1947 | New York, NY | Šeb 1947-04-02 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Neveux, Georges | 01.04.1947 | New York, NY | Nev 1947-04-01 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Novák, Karel | 31.03.1947 | New York, NY | NovK 1947-03-31 | | Letter |
Copland, Aaron (Boston Symphony Orchestra) | Löwenbach, Jan | 27.03.1947 | Boston,... | Löw 1947-03-27 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Zrzavý, Jan | 21.03.1947 | New York, NY | Zrz 1947-03-21 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šebánek, Karel | 18.03.1947 | New York, NY | Šeb 1947-03-18 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Šafránek, Miloš | 18.03.1947 | New York, NY | ŠafM 1947-03-18 | | Letter |
Sacher, Paul | Stein, Erwin (Boosey & Hawkes, London) | 18.03.1947 | Schönenberg -... | BH 1947-03-18 | | Letter |
Papánek, Ján (United Nations) | Smutný, Jaromír (Kancelář prezidenta republiky) | 12.03.1947 | New York, NY | KPR 1947-03-12 | | Letter |
Sacher, Paul | Šafránek, Miloš | 04.03.1947 | Schönenberg -... | Sac 1947-03-04 | | Letter |
Ballo, Ivan (Kancelář prezidenta republiky) | | 03.03.1947 | | KPR 1947-03-03a | | Varia |
Smutný, Jaromír (Kancelář prezidenta republiky) | Papánek, Ján (Generální konzulát ČSR v New Yorku) | 03.03.1947 | Prague | KPR 1947-03-03b | | Telegram |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Martinů, Marie | 24.02.1947 | New York, NY | Mar 1947-02-24 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Pucová, Helena | 22.02.1947 | New York, NY | Puc 1947-02-22 | | Letter |