General information
Type of the document Letter, Varia
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationParis
Send date25.11.1928
Recipient (corporation)Universal Edition
Recipient‘s locationVienna
Note on Recipient‘s location[Vienna]
Language 2French
Former call number at IBM52/57
Call number at IBMUE 1928-11-25
Content and physical description
ContentBohuslav Martinů agrees with their friendly solution to the entire issue and assures them that it was only his best works that he has offered Universal Edition Vienna to publish. He only wanted a certain liberty in terms of being able to publish his pieces elsewhere. He sends them a summary of the reviews of LA BAGARRE from American magazines and asks them to use them as a basis for an article in “Anbruch.” He would like to perform LA BAGARRE in Germany – considering the success of STRING QUARTET No.2 and DUO FOR VIOLIN AND VIOLONCELLO No.1 in Baden-Baden, he hopes that he has now reinforced his reputation there. He would be grateful to them if they mentioned his new film-opera “Les vicissitudes de la Vie” [THREE WISHES OR INCONSTANCY OF THE LIFE] and encloses a summary of the libretto. He has just finished the first act and hopes that he will finish the whole opera by May 1929. He is going to send them the piano reduction of the first act next month. As regards the ballet ON TOURNE!, he would be grateful to them for any news. He makes some suggestions for the article. Could they send him their plan? He asks them for 3 copies of the score and the parts of his QUARTET because he needs them in Paris and the United States.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
AttachmentsA synopsis of LES TROIS SOUHAITS (4 pages): see 175/SYA3
Digitisation The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
Location as subject
Boston, Massachusetts
Person as subject
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Composition as subject
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