General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationPolička
Send date20.09.1928
RecipientKusevickij, Sergej Aleksandrovič
Recipient (corporation)
Acquiredfrom Library of Congress, Washington, 02/1998
Owner of the sourceLibrary of Congress
Former call number at IBM50/15
Call number at IBMBSO 1928-09-20
Content and physical description
ContentMr. Thomas Donlan of the National Association of Sheet Music Dealers, 325 West 75th Street, New York has asked how much BM would want for the score and piano reduction of La Bagarre. BM said that he would wait to see what the conditions were, and that the music was at Koussevitzky's disposition. He asks SK to send the score to Mr. Donlan; he would be grateful if SK could use his influence with him. BM often remembers their conversations about finding a publisher. He does not know the circumstances in America and will wait for Koussevitzky's advice. BM will be in Paris from October 1 and will send SK the orchestral parts for [La Rhapsodie], if they have not already been sent. BM is pleased that SK will conduct the premiere; he would like the reviews, and not to forget Martinů's performance rights. If BM received only 50 dollars, he could live in Paris for nearly two months on that amount. BM informs SK of his success at the festival in Siena (Second Quartet), the festival in Baden-Baden (Two Pieces) and also the String Quintet on September 20 at the festival of Mrs. Coolidge in Pitsfield. He would like to dedicate another composition to SK. He is now working on an opera-film.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2

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Quality of digitisationNot professional black-and-white
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New York, NY
Pittsfield, Massachusetts
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