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Page 7 of 437, showing 20 records out of 8739 total

Sender Recipient Send date Sender‘s location BMI call number Digital copy Type of the document
Martinů, Bohuslav Zouhar, Zdeněk 07.10.1954 Nice Zou 1954-10-07 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zouhar, Zdeněk 06.09.1954 Nice Zou 1954-09-06 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zouhar, Zdeněk 03.08.1954 Nice Zou 1954-08-03 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zouhar, Zdeněk 29.07.1954 Nice Zou 1954-07-29 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zouhar, Zdeněk 11.10.1949 New York, NY Zou 1949-10-11 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav (C. k. komise státních zkoušek z hudby v Praze ) 26.10.1911 Prague ZKUH 1911-10-26 Letter
Stoutz, Edmond de (Zürcher Kammerorchester) Martinů, Bohuslav 11.04.1958 Zürich ZK 1958-04-11 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zítek, Ota 19.05.1929 Paris Zít 1929-05-19 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zítek, Ota 08.04.1925 Paris Zít 1925-04-08 Letter
Martinů, Bohuslav Zimbalist, Efrem (Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia) 06.12.1955 New York, NY Zim 1955-12-06 Letter
Zimbalist, Efrem (Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia) Martinů, Bohuslav 07.11.1955 Philadelphia,... Zim 1955-11-07 Letter
Zimbalist, Efrem (Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia) Martinů, Bohuslav 21.02.1955 Philadelphia,... Zim 1955-02-21 Letter
Zighera, Georgette Martinů, Charlotte 15.09.1959 Paris ZigG 1959-09-15 Letter
Zhor, Jiří Šafránek, Miloš 21.08.1973 Chrudim Zho 1973-08-21 Letter
Zeebe, Heinz Martinů, Bohuslav 12.02.1959 Braunschweig ZeeH 1959-02-12 Letter
Zeebe, Heinz Martinů, Charlotte 1959 Braunschweig ZeeH 1959-00-00 Letter
Zaorálková, Hedvika Martinů, Marie 18.05.1959 ZaoH 1959-05-18 Letter
(HDS ZAMP) (SUISA) 24.06.1960 ZAMP 1960-06-24 List of Works
Zajíček, Jeroným Hartlová, Karla 07.01.2004 USA Zaj 2004-01-07 Letter
Yosco, Theresa Martinů, Charlotte 1959 Yos 1959-00-00 Postcard
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