General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderŠafránek, Miloš
Sender (corporation)
Send date26.11.1959
RecipientRoth, Ernst
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationLondon
Owner of the sourceBritish Library
Former ownerBoosey & Hawkes
Owner‘s call numberMS Mus. 1813/2/1/125/1. Dr. Roth's files. 'S', 1960. Part 1 of 2.
Call number at IBMBH 1959-11-26
Content and physical description
ContentMiloš Šafránek asks for information for his new monography on Bohuslav Martinů. The book would be more complete if he could provide a list of productions with dates, locations and perhaps even photographs for the works COMEDY ON THE BRIDGE, THE MARRIAGE and WHAT MEN LIVE BY. If Ernst Roth could send MŠ the piano scores of these three works, MŠ will be delighted and Boosey & Hawkes will gain publicity - MŠ's books are published in English, German and Czech, and in Paris perhaps in French. P.S.: MŠ heard that B&H in Bonn published Martinů's BERGERETTES and some of his chamber works. He would be glad to have this list.
Transcription of the letter

Prague, November 26th 1959.

Dr Ernst Roth

c/o Boosey & Hawkes

295 Regent Street

London W 1

Dear Dr Roth, 

I try to support the death of Bohuslav Martinů easier /inspite of my great sadness/ in writing new versions of his biographie and new books on his enormous work. The last one is a monograph on his theatre. Here I need your help. My book would be more complet if I could give complet number of representations /with dates and places and if possible photos/ of ‚,Comedy on the bridge", ‚,The Marriage" and ‚,What men live by." If you could send me the piano-scores of this 3 works I will be delighted and B&H could get publicity /my books are published in 4 languages: english, german and czech and most probably in Paris in french/.  

In thanking you in advance and hoping to have again the occasion for Christmas greetings

I am sincerely yours

Miloš Šafránek

P.S. I hear B&H in Bonn has published Martinů's Bergerettes /Piano Trio/ and some of his chamber-works. I would be glad to have this list. 

Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
FixationTypewriting, handwritten signature
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Digitized atBritish Library
Date of digitisation 11/2019

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