General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationParis
Send date13.02.1932
Recipient (corporation)Schott Music GmbH & Co.
Note on Recipient‘s location[Mainz]
Owner of the sourceStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Owner‘s call number17325
Former call number at IBM53/42
Call number at IBMSM 1932-02-13
Content and physical description
ContentThe Czechoslovak Embassy has asked him for information concerning the concert on 26 February at Radio-Colonialle conducted by Mr. Thomassi. He suggested to them the SERENADE and the Embassy agreed, yet they are only willing to pay a maximum of 250 francs for borrowing the material. If the addressee agrees, he should send the score forthwith to Miloš Šafránek at the Embassy. – When it comes to the PARTITA, he hopes to have it put on in Paris, but he would also be satisfied if the addressee arranged a premiere at German Radio. BM has completed a ballet [THE CHAP BOOK], it is a suite of folk tales and Czech customs.
As regards the article the addressee has required from him, he could ask Pierre Ferroud or André Coeuroy in Paris, Mr. Steinhard in Prague, which would perhaps be more convenient. He asks what type of article it should be. It is also possible to ask Andreas Liess, who has already written an article for Auftakt.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
Fixationhandwriting, signature (Martinů), inscriptions
Markingshandwritten notes by Schott
Quality of digitisationProfessional
Date of digitisation2014

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