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Page 338 of 439, showing 20 records out of 8772 total

Sender Recipient Send date Sender‘s location BMI call number Digital copy Type of the document
Martinů, Charlotte Vaněk, Vladimír 21.08.1959 Schönenberg -... VanV 1959-08-21 Postal card
Neveux, Georges Martinů, Charlotte 21.08.1959 Bullion Nev 1959-08-21 Letter
Scholer, Hans Martinů, Bohuslav 24.08.1959 Genoa SchoH 1959-08-24 Letter
?, Marthe Martinů, Charlotte 25.08.1959 Vicente López MarC 1959-08-25 Letter
(SUISA) Martinů, Bohuslav 26.08.1959 Zürich SA 1959-08-26a Letter
(Velvyslanectví ČSR v Bernu) (Ministerstvo školství a kultury ČSR) 26.08.1959 Bern MŠ 1959-08-26 Telegram
Sacher, Maja Prins, Cora 27.08.1959 Schönenberg -... Sac 1959-08-27 Letter
Von der Mühll, Alfred (Basler Kammerorchester ) Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Basel BKO 1959-08-29 Letter
Brumlík, Josef V. Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 New York, NY BruJ 1959-08-29 Letter
(SUISA) (Postscheckamt Zürich) 29.08.1959 Zürich PZ 1959-08-29 Letter
Martinů, Charlotte Rybka, Frank 29.08.1959 Ryb 1959-08-29 Telegram
Sacher, Paul Mihalovici, Marcel 29.08.1959 Schönenberg -... Sac 1959-08-29 Telegram
Zrzavý, Jan Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Okrouhlice,... Zrz 1959-08-29 Postal card
Löwenbachová, Vilma Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 New York, NY Löw 1959-08-29 Letter
Podhajská, Zdenka Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Polička Pod 1959-08-29 Letter
Stockelin, Marguerite Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 New York, NY StoM 1959-08-29 Letter
Meylan, Jean Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Geneva MeyJ 1959-08-29 Letter
?, Ursula (Bethesda Spital) Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Basel BS 1959-08-29 Varia
Goferez, Franc Martinů, Charlotte 30.08.1959 Liestal Gof 1959-08-30 Postal card
Nef, Walter Martinů, Charlotte 30.08.1959 Basel NefW 1959-08-30 Postal card
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