Page 338 of 439, showing 20 records out of 8772 total
Sender |
Recipient |
Send date |
Sender‘s location |
BMI call number |
Digital copy |
Type of the document |
Martinů, Charlotte | Vaněk, Vladimír | 21.08.1959 | Schönenberg -... | VanV 1959-08-21 | | Postal card |
Neveux, Georges | Martinů, Charlotte | 21.08.1959 | Bullion | Nev 1959-08-21 | | Letter |
Scholer, Hans | Martinů, Bohuslav | 24.08.1959 | Genoa | SchoH 1959-08-24 | | Letter |
?, Marthe | Martinů, Charlotte | 25.08.1959 | Vicente López | MarC 1959-08-25 | | Letter |
(SUISA) | Martinů, Bohuslav | 26.08.1959 | Zürich | SA 1959-08-26a | | Letter |
(Velvyslanectví ČSR v Bernu) | (Ministerstvo školství a kultury ČSR) | 26.08.1959 | Bern | MŠ 1959-08-26 | | Telegram |
Sacher, Maja | Prins, Cora | 27.08.1959 | Schönenberg -... | Sac 1959-08-27 | | Letter |
Von der Mühll, Alfred (Basler Kammerorchester ) | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | Basel | BKO 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
Brumlík, Josef V. | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | New York, NY | BruJ 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
(SUISA) | (Postscheckamt Zürich) | 29.08.1959 | Zürich | PZ 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Rybka, Frank | 29.08.1959 | | Ryb 1959-08-29 | | Telegram |
Sacher, Paul | Mihalovici, Marcel | 29.08.1959 | Schönenberg -... | Sac 1959-08-29 | | Telegram |
Zrzavý, Jan | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | Okrouhlice,... | Zrz 1959-08-29 | | Postal card |
Löwenbachová, Vilma | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | New York, NY | Löw 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
Podhajská, Zdenka | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | Polička | Pod 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
Stockelin, Marguerite | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | New York, NY | StoM 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
Meylan, Jean | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | Geneva | MeyJ 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
?, Ursula (Bethesda Spital) | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | Basel | BS 1959-08-29 | | Varia |
Goferez, Franc | Martinů, Charlotte | 30.08.1959 | Liestal | Gof 1959-08-30 | | Postal card |
Nef, Walter | Martinů, Charlotte | 30.08.1959 | Basel | NefW 1959-08-30 | | Postal card |