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Page 168 of 176, showing 50 records out of 8772 total

Sender Recipient Send date Sender‘s location BMI call number Digital copy Type of the document
Čep, Jan Marcel, Gabriel 23.05.1962 ČepJ 1962-05-23 Letter
Hirshman, Henriette Martinů, Bohuslav 16.02.1959 Boston,... BSO 1959-02-16 Letter
Hirshman, Henriette (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Rogers, Leslie 15.09.1943 Lenox, Massachusetts BSO 1943-09-15 Letter
Hirshman, Henriette Martinů, Charlotte 30.08.1959 London BSO 1959-08-30 Letter
Choveaux, Nicholas (Boosey & Hawkes) Šafránek, Miloš 08.10.1945 BH 1945-10-08 Letter
Urban, Gretl (Associated Music Publishers) Šafránek, Miloš 11.01.1946 New York, NY AMP 1946-01-11 Letter
Urban, Gretl (Associated Music Publishers) Martinů, Bohuslav 08.01.1946 New York, NY AMP 1946-01-08 Agreement
Ligotti, Albert F. (Mannes School of Music) Lortel, Lucille (White Barn Theatre) 01.08.1951 New York, NY WBCT 1951-08-01 Letter
Sekora, Ondřej Sekorová, ? 09.03.1928 Paris SekO 1928-03-09 Letter
Macenauer, Bedřich Martinů, Charlotte 14.11.1965 Plzeň MacB 1965-11-14 Letter
Girard, André Martinů, Charlotte 10.09.1959 New York, NY GirA 1959-09-10 Letter
Ross, Gilbert (University of Michigan) Martinů, Bohuslav (Princeton University) 01.03.1949 Ann Arbor, Michigan RosG 1949-03-01 Letter
Ross, Gilbert (University of Michigan) Martinů, Bohuslav 13.03.1949 Ann Arbor, Michigan RosG 1949-03-13 Letter
Nies-Berger, Edouard Kaufman, Louis 10.11.1948 New York, NY KauL 1948-11-10 Letter
Nies-Berger, Edouard Kaufman, Louis 31.05.1949 New York, NY KauL 1949-05-31 Letter
Lorenzi, Sergio Martinů, Bohuslav 29.08.1957 Johannesburg LorS 1957-08-29 Letter
Lane, Louis Terian, Gregory 12.09.2003 Atlanta, Georgia TerG 2003-09-12 Letter
Fournier, Jean-Pierre - Adresát neznámý, Recipient unknow (British Broadcasting Corporation) 29.10.2009 Geneva Fou 2009-10-29 Letter
Fournier, Jean-Pierre Terian, Gregory 26.06.2011 TerG 2011-06-26 Letter
Fournier, Jean-Pierre Terian, Gregory TerG 0000-00-00c Varia
Nelidow, Wladimir Martinů, Bohuslav 11.06.1914 Prague NelW 1914-06-11 Letter
Piovesan, Alessandro (Biennale di Venezia) Martinů, Bohuslav 01.10.1954 Venice BV 1954-10-01 Letter
Kašpar, František (Hudební škola Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce) Jirák, Karel Boleslav 28.03.1965 Polička JirK 1965-03-28 Letter
Zeebe, Heinz Martinů, Charlotte 1959 Braunschweig ZeeH 1959-00-00 Letter
Zeebe, Heinz Martinů, Bohuslav 12.02.1959 Braunschweig ZeeH 1959-02-12 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 21.12.1933 London RamM 1933-12-21 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 19.02.1934 London RamM 1934-02-19 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 15.12.1933 London RamM 1933-12-15 Letter
King, Gustav Martinů, Charlotte 18.09.1959 El Paso, Texas KinG 1959-10-18 Letter
Šplíchal, Jan Martinů, Charlotte 16.10.1959 Chrást... ŠplJ 1959-10-16 Letter
Brunner-Jacob, Emma Martinů, Charlotte 11.09.1959 Thalwi BruE 1959-09-11 Postal card
Synek, Jiří Martinů, Charlotte 01.09.1959 Sèvres SynJ 1959-09-01 Letter
?, Janette Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 Montrouge MarC 1959-09-03 Letter
Charles-Roux, Sabine Martinů, Charlotte 10.09.1959 Paris ChaS 1959-09-10 Letter
Zighera, Georgette Martinů, Charlotte 15.09.1959 Paris ZigG 1959-09-15 Letter
Sprague Smith, Carleton (New York Public Library) Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 New York, NY SmiC 1959-09-03 Letter
Scott Rawlings, James Martinů, Charlotte 07.09.1959 Richmond, Virginia ScoJ 1959-09-07 Letter
Davis, Vernon Perdue Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 Courtland, Virginia DavV 1959-08-31 Letter
Davis, Vernon Perdue Martinů, Bohuslav 30.01.1958 Courtland, Virginia DavV 1958-01-30 Postal card
Davis, Esther Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 Summit, New Jersey Dav 1959-08-31a Letter
Jičínská, Věra Martinů, Charlotte 08.09.1959 Prague JičV 1959-09-08 Letter
Jičínská, Věra Martinů, Bohuslav 11.12.1955 Prague JičV 1955-12-11 Letter, Postcard, Varia
Jičínská, Věra Zrzavý, Jan 30.08.1959 Říčky v... Zrz 1959-08-30 Postcard
Chamfray, Claude Martinů, Charlotte 07.09.1959 Paris ChaC 1959-09-07 Letter
Stockelin, Marguerite Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 New York, NY StoM 1959-08-29 Letter
Von der Mühll, Alfred (Basler Kammerorchester ) Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Basel BKO 1959-08-29 Letter
Von der Mühll, Alfred Martinů, Charlotte 30.08.1959 Basel Müh 1959-08-30 Letter
Stucker, Adèle Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 New York, NY StuA 1959-08-31 Letter
Lévy-Despas, Jacqueline Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 Saint-Tropez LévJ 1959-09-03 Postal card
Kolár, Jan M. Martinů, Charlotte 05.09.1959 Mbalmayo KolJ 1959-09-05 Letter
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