Základní informace
Typ dokumentu Dopis
OdesílatelRoth, Ernst
Odesílatel (korporace)
Poznámka k lokaci odeslání[Londýn]
Datum odeslání1956
PříjemceŠenar, Matěj
Příjemce (korporace)Artia, Praha
Lokace přijetíPraha
Vlastník prameneBritish Library
Předchozí vlastníkBoosey & Hawkes
Signatura současného vlastníkaMS Mus. 1813/2/1/76/8, Dr. Roth's files, Artia, 1956.
Signatura v IBMBH 1956-00-00
Obsah a fyzický popis
Stručný obsahErnsta Rotha potěšilo setkání s Matějem Šenarem a jeho kolegy. Zvlášť píše i [Vojtěchu/panu] Strnadovi do Dilie a povrzuje vše týkající se Artie. ER zde našel podepsanou smlouvu spolu s dopisem z 5. června. Smlouva je nyní v pořádku, ER ji nyní odesílá do Banky Anglie. ER také přikládá dopis ohledně území Francie podle dopisu z 29. května a diskuse o Florencii, kopii smlouvy posílá do pobočky Boosey & Hawkes v Paříži, ti informují Artii se všemi podmínkami.
Přepis dopisu

Copy to Straker


Attention of Mr. M. Šenar,

Dear Mr. Šenar,

Back in London I want to say how pleased I was to meet you and your colleagues and to discuss all our problems with you. I am writing separately to [Mr/V] Strnad of the Divadelní a literární agentura and am now confirming to you everything concerning Artia.

  1. I found here the signed contract together with your letter of the 5th June. This contract is now in perfect order. In order to ensure the smooth transfer of all hire fees to you I am submitting the contract to the Bank of England for approval. It will take a few days but there is no doubt that the approval will be given.

  2. I am attaching here a letter concerning the territory of France according to your letter of the 29th May and our discussion in Florence. Our Paris branch, Boosey & H., S.A., 22, rue d’Anjou, will deal direct with you and I am sending them a copy of the contract so that they are informed about all the conditions.

  3. I am attaching here our normal order form for the quantities ordered from you in Florence. For these titles clause 8 should come into operation. I take it that you will advise OSA and we should advise PRS? Please let me know how this should be dealt with.

I am very glad indeed that all is settled now. You had in the meantime an order for a few items I personally would like to see because I feel that something special could be done for them. I hope they will arrive soon. Equally I have asked our department to order a number of full scores from your catalogues. In the meantime a symphonic catalogue is in preparation which contain such of your printed symphonic works which I would like to promote in the first place.

Please keep in touch with me particularly in respect of any new works which you are publishing so that we are up-to-date with our own information.

Kind regards and once more many thanks

Yours very sincerely


Mr. Straker to let me have an order for Artia for:

300 copies each MAB Nos. 1, 2, 5, 10, 13

300 copies Martinu, Loutky, piano solo

300 copies Martinu, Sonatina, violin and piano

500 copies Janáček, Zápisník, pocket score

Celkový počet listů1
Počet popsaných stránek2
Kvalita digitalizaceNeprofi barevná
Digitalizováno v instituciBritish Library
Datum digitalizace11/2019

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