Základní informace
Typ dokumentu Dopis
Odesílatel (korporace)Boosey & Hawkes, London
Lokace odesláníLondýn
Datum odeslání01.11.1956
PříjemceSacher, Paul
Příjemce (korporace)
Lokace přijetíSchönenberg - Pratteln
Původ, datum získánípřepis Jany Frankové, 08/2017; originál dopisu uložen v Paul Sacher Stiftung
Vlastník pramenePaul Sacher Stiftung
Signatura v IBMBH 1956-11-01
Obsah a fyzický popis
Stručný obsahÚčetní oddělení nakladatelství Boosey&Hawkes oslovuje Paula Sachera ohledně nejasnosti v platbách za partitury u banky Barclays Bank Limited. Dotazuje se rovněž ohledně skladeb [TRE RICERCARI a DOUBLE CONCERTO - viz BH 1956-10-13], které měl PS v plánu vrátit.
Přepis dopisu


                                                                                                                                                                                                          1st November, 1956.

Dr. Paul Sacher,






Dear Sir,

                We have today received from Barclays Bank Limited the sum of [pound]   6.8s.6d. less Band charges of 2/- which apparently makes your original payment [pound]  6.10s.6d. and same has been placed to the credit of your account.

                In the details given by the Bank they refer to our Invoice No MM 6122 of the 5th October, 1956 which was a charge of [pound]10.1s.6d. and we wondered owing to the similarity of the figures as to whether a mistake was made when payment was arranged.

                On the other hand although the writer has made enquiries with the Music Department concerned and they have no record of any music being returned which would account for the under payment.

                We should be glad therefore if you would be kind enough to advise us as to this difference.

                Thanking you in anticipation and assuring you of our best attention at all times.

                                                                               Yours faithfully,

                                                               for BOOSEY & HAWKES LIMITED.

                                                               By [podpis]

                                                               S.G. Heard Accounts Dept.

Celkový počet listů1
Počet popsaných stránek1
Poznámkadopis označen parafou "SGH/PC/S"; hlavičkový papír Boosey and Hawkes; v IBM k dispozici pouze přepis dopisu
Fixacestrojopis a rukopisný podpis
Digitalizace The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
Corporation as subject
Composition as subject
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