General information
Type of the document Postal card
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationPolička
Send date31.07.1929
Recipient (corporation)Universal Edition
Recipient‘s locationVienna
Former call number at IBM52/67
Call number at IBMUE 1929-07-31a
Content and physical description
ContentBohuslav Martinů has had the score and material for SEXTET sent from Paris. Since the work has not been performed yet, he asks them to double check the parts, for he cannot guarantee that they are without mistakes. Did Mr Hertzka go over the score of his opera [THREE WISHES OR INCONSTANCY OF THE LIFE] in Berlin? Martinů awaits news and the decision about the JAZZ SUITE. He supposes that he will be able to send them the piano reduction and the translation of the opera. So far, it has not been possible to stage his ballet ON TOURNE! anywhere. He would like it to be performed during this season.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
Fixationhandwriting, signature (Martinů)
Digitisation The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
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