General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderDeutsch, Pavel
Sender (corporation)
Note on Sender‘s location[Zürich?]
Send date22.10.1975
Send date note22. 10. [1975]
RecipientHejzlar, Tomáš
Recipient (corporation)
Acquiredcopy from Gregory Dayton-Mohl, 2013
Owner of the source- Soukromý vlastník, Private owner
Call number at IBMDeu 1975-10-22
Content and physical description
ContentPavel Deutsch apparently is answering Tomáš Hejzlar’s questions regarding his contact with B. Martinů. PD was originally a textile industrialist in Dvoře Králové nad Labem. He had a small orchestra, where during a concert by Prof. [Paul] Aron in 1933/34 he heard B. Martinů‘s TRE RICERCARI. Later Aron introduced Deutsch to Martinů personally at the International Festival in Prague, at which time PD heard THE MIRACLES OF MARY. In 1939, when Martinů was in Paris, they began corresponding. The met at the premiere of the CONCERTO GROSSO in Basel.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
Noteheaded paper of Waldhaus Hotel; a part of the letter missing
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour

Preview only available at the Institute.

Location as subject
Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Person as subject
Corporation as subject
Composition as subject
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