General information
Call number at the BM Institute207/A
Title of the composition String Quartet with Orchestra, H 207
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph score
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Date of origin28.06.1931
Note on the date of originAccording to a letter Martinů sent to his family in Polička
Place of originParis
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageAu Quatuor | Pro - Arte | B. Martinů: | Quatuor à cordes avec l´orchestre. | Paris Juin 1931.
Number of leaves44
Number of pages bearing notation84
Total number of pages88
Original pagination1–81
Note on paginationOriginal pagination correctly [82] pages. Page 36 should be p. [37]. Martinů had not marked original p. 36 that containes alternative beginning of the 2nd movement. This original beginning was later canceled by Martinů.
Dimensions (width x height)262 x 347 mm (cover); 268 x 351 mm (score)
BindingIndividual pages and loose bifolia
Paper characteristicsYellowed paper, damaged in places with tears and creased edges
Brand of paperLard Esnault supérieur Paris
WatermarkCover: Bellamy Normal 1er Choix Fon JD; score: Lard Esnault Supérieur Paris
Number and arrangement of staves12 (2 leaves of cover); 20 (score)
Total span of staves211 mm
Distance between staff lines3 mm
Writing instrumentPen (black ink), pencil, red pen, blue and red pencil
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the score1. 2. Flauti | 1. 2. Oboe | 1. 2. Clarinetti (Ut) C. | 1. 2. Fagoti [!] | 1. 2. Corni Fa. | 1. 2. Trompetti C. | (Ut) | 1. 2. Tromboni | Timpani | Soli | Viol. I. | II. | Alto. | Vcello. | Violini I. | II. | Alti. | Vcelli. | C. bassi
Content of particular pagesWritten on the cover in pencil above the composer´s own title of the work in the hand of the Schott Music editor: "Streichquartett mit Orchester" and at the bottom of the cover in blue pencil: "=33533= | Sti[mmen]. 33534". At the end of the score (p. 81), the composer inserted: "Paris | Juin 1931 | B. Martinů"
Markings by B. MartinůChanges and corrections are written in pen (black ink), pencil, and red pen
Other markingsConductor´s markings (red and blue pencil), clarifications, markings by editors from Schott Music (pencil, blue pencil, and red pen), indications of page breaks for the typesetter (pencil)
CommentsMartinů wrote the work´s title into the heading of page 1: [underlined] "Quatuor avec | [underlined] l´orchestre." and added the dedicaton in the empty staves for Fl I, II and Ob I, II at the beginning: "Au Quatuor Pro-Arte".
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Call number55 Nachl 100/A,235
Former ownerSchott Music GmbH & Co.
Note on the ownershipRISM 1001074913
Date of acquisition2014
Note on the acquisitionPrevious call No.: Schott Safe-Archiv, A-Nr. 1257

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Digitized atSchott Music, Mainz
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