General information
Call number at the BM Institute162/LA1
Title of the composition The Soldier and the Dancer, H 162
Class of the sourceNon-musical source
Type of the sourceLibretto
Closer specification of the typeTypewritten libretto by Jan Löwenbach with BM’s markings
Author Löwenbach, Jan
Language 1Czech
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[Underlined, typewriter:] Prodaná tanečnice. | [pen (black ink):] (Pseudolus) | [typewriter:] Dle [pen (black ink):] starořímské [typewriter:] komedie T.M.Plauta [pen (black ink):] pro české jeviště | [pen (black ink):] upravil [typewriter:] J.L.Budín. | Osoby: | Šimon, vážený občan athénský | Kalidorus, jeho syn | Pseudolus, jejich sluha | Malina, přítel Šimonův | Bambula, městský radní a majitel tančírny | Harpax, vojenský sluha | Alois, pochybná existence | Fenicium, tanečnice u Bambuly | Kuchař | Domovnoie [Domovnice] | Sluhové, služky, a tanečnice | Hra začíná z rána na křižovatce athénských ulic | a končí se téhož dne v podvečer.
Number of leaves58
Number of pages bearing notation65
Total number of pages65
Original pagination1-55
Paper characteristicsBeige
Writing instrumentTypewriter, pen (black ink), lead pencil
Markings by B. MartinůNumerous pencil inscriptions and drawings by the composer
Commentscomplete libretto, Martinů markings; Prodaná tanečnice (Pseudolus) [= Voják a tanečnice], numerous pencil inscriptions and drawings by the composer (probably the first stage of opera work; see also Löwenbach: Martinů correspondence)
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Call numberPBM Na 60
Acqusition number189/2000
Quality of digitisation 2Professional

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