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Page 8 of 176, showing 50 records out of 8772 total

Sender Recipient Send date Sender‘s location BMI call number Digital copy Type of the document
Pospíšil, Miloš Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 Prague PosM 1959-08-31 Letter
Pospíšil, Miloš Martinů, Bohuslav 22.02.1959 Prague PosM 1959-02-22 Letter
Desirée, Jacqueline Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 DesJ 1959-09-03 Letter
Bodner, Elsa Martinů, Charlotte 30.08.1959 Zürich BodE 1959-08-30 Letter
Šolcová, Olga Martinů, Charlotte 15.09.1959 Prague ŠolK 1959-09-15b Letter
Scholer, Hans Martinů, Bohuslav 24.08.1959 Genoa SchoH 1959-08-24 Letter
Moravanová, Eliška (Ženské pěvecké sdružení Krásnohorská) Martinů, Charlotte 16.09.1959 Brno ŽPSK 1959-09-16 Letter
Jacquet, Henri Martinů, Charlotte 04.09.1959 Fargues, Gironde JacH 1959-09-04 Letter
Pierron, Hélène Martinů, Charlotte 03.12.1959 Paris PieH 1959-12-03 Letter
Walch, A. Martinů, Charlotte 29.09.1959 Paris WalA 1959-09-29 Letter
?, Marthe Martinů, Charlotte 25.08.1959 Vicente López MarC 1959-08-25 Letter
?, Alice Martinů, Charlotte 01.09.1959 MarC 1959-09-01 Letter
Bernard, Albert Yves Martinů, Charlotte 06.10.1959 New York, NY BerAl 1959-10-06 Letter
Kawczinski, Bertha Martinů, Charlotte 1959 KawB 1959-00-00 Postcard
Firkušná, Karla Martinů, Marie 14.06.1956 Brno FirK 1956-06-14 Letter
Hauswich, Hermann Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 Basel Hau 1959-08-31 Postal card
Maloňová, Anna (Vlastimila) Martinů, Charlotte 10.10.1959 Prostějov VLA 1959-10-11 Letter
Maloňová, Anna (Vlastimila) Martinů, Bohuslav 07.12.1958 Prostějov VLA 1958-12-07 Letter
Feigl, Hugo Martinů, Charlotte 01.10.1959 New York, NY Fei 1959-10-01 Postal card
Hladík, Jan (malíř) Martinů, Charlotte 26.10.1959 Paris HlaJ 1959-10-26 Letter
Roberts, Laurance (American Academy in Rome) Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 Rome Rob 1959-09-03 Letter
Roberts, Laurance (American Academy in Rome) Martinů, Bohuslav 23.03.1956 Rome Rob 1956-03-23 Letter
Kolár, Jan M. Martinů, Charlotte 05.09.1959 Mbalmayo KolJ 1959-09-05 Letter
Lévy-Despas, Jacqueline Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 Saint-Tropez LévJ 1959-09-03 Postal card
Stucker, Adèle Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 New York, NY StuA 1959-08-31 Letter
Von der Mühll, Alfred (Basler Kammerorchester ) Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Basel BKO 1959-08-29 Letter
Von der Mühll, Alfred Martinů, Charlotte 30.08.1959 Basel Müh 1959-08-30 Letter
Stockelin, Marguerite Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 New York, NY StoM 1959-08-29 Letter
Chamfray, Claude Martinů, Charlotte 07.09.1959 Paris ChaC 1959-09-07 Letter
Jičínská, Věra Martinů, Charlotte 08.09.1959 Prague JičV 1959-09-08 Letter
Jičínská, Věra Martinů, Bohuslav 11.12.1955 Prague JičV 1955-12-11 Letter, Postcard, Varia
Jičínská, Věra Zrzavý, Jan 30.08.1959 Říčky v... Zrz 1959-08-30 Postcard
Davis, Esther Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 Summit, New Jersey Dav 1959-08-31a Letter
Davis, Vernon Perdue Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 Courtland, Virginia DavV 1959-08-31 Letter
Davis, Vernon Perdue Martinů, Bohuslav 30.01.1958 Courtland, Virginia DavV 1958-01-30 Postal card
Scott Rawlings, James Martinů, Charlotte 07.09.1959 Richmond, Virginia ScoJ 1959-09-07 Letter
Sprague Smith, Carleton (New York Public Library) Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 New York, NY SmiC 1959-09-03 Letter
Zighera, Georgette Martinů, Charlotte 15.09.1959 Paris ZigG 1959-09-15 Letter
Charles-Roux, Sabine Martinů, Charlotte 10.09.1959 Paris ChaS 1959-09-10 Letter
?, Janette Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 Montrouge MarC 1959-09-03 Letter
Synek, Jiří Martinů, Charlotte 01.09.1959 Sèvres SynJ 1959-09-01 Letter
Brunner-Jacob, Emma Martinů, Charlotte 11.09.1959 Thalwi BruE 1959-09-11 Postal card
Šplíchal, Jan Martinů, Charlotte 16.10.1959 Chrást... ŠplJ 1959-10-16 Letter
King, Gustav Martinů, Charlotte 18.09.1959 El Paso, Texas KinG 1959-10-18 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 21.12.1933 London RamM 1933-12-21 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 19.02.1934 London RamM 1934-02-19 Letter
Tillett, Pedro Juan (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ramsay, Mary 15.12.1933 London RamM 1933-12-15 Letter
Zeebe, Heinz Martinů, Charlotte 1959 Braunschweig ZeeH 1959-00-00 Letter
Zeebe, Heinz Martinů, Bohuslav 12.02.1959 Braunschweig ZeeH 1959-02-12 Letter
Kašpar, František (Hudební škola Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce) Jirák, Karel Boleslav 28.03.1965 Polička JirK 1965-03-28 Letter
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