General information
Title CZTři písničky
Title ENThree Little Songs
Title DEDrei kleine Lieder
CategoryVocal Music
SubcategoryWorks for Solo Voice and Piano
Halbreich number34
Author of lyrics/libretto Manin, J.
Mužík, Augustin Eugen
Sládek, Josef Václav
Parts of the composition (movements)1. My Mother
2. The Right Tally
3. Little Song: In the Morning We Went Wrong [title in the sketch-book: “Píseň o hubičkách” (“Song about Kisses”)]
Textual incipit1. Po dalekém moři táhnou plachty bílé
2. Šel jsem s milou s večera, cestičkou kol jezera
3. Chybili jsme ráno, když jsme se líbali, že jsme ty hubičky, hned nepočítali
InstrumentsV Pf
Dedicatee Borová, Olga
Diplomatic transcription of the dedicationSlečně | Olze Valouškové
Note on the dedicationDedicated to miss Olga Valoušková.
Place of compositionPrague
Year of origin1911
Initiation of composition1910
Completion of composition26.05.1911
First performance
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceNadace Bohuslava Martinů
DepositionCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Autograph deposition 2
Owner of the sourceNadace Bohuslava Martinů
DepositionCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Note on the autograph depostitionSecond autograph score of songs No. 1 and No. 3.
Note on copyrightCopyright free
First edition
PublisherMěstské muzeum a galerie v Poličce
Place of issuePolička
Year of publication2020
Editions available at the BM Institute
Městské muzeum a galerie v Poličce, Polička, 2020
Call number at the BM Institute: 1364A-C
Specification of the edition: Collection of selected songs - 1st edition
Details of this edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Lyrics: Josef Václav Sládek (1); Augustin Eugen Mužík (2); Xaver (J. Manin) (3).
Title on the title page of the autograph score: “Písničky” (“The Little Songs”).
“Little Song: In the Morning We Went Wrong” (“Písnička: Chybili jsme ráno”) (3) is identical to “Song about Kisses” (“Píseň o hubičkách”, former Halbreich number H 27bis – cancelled).
About the composition

The first musical compositions overwhelmingly fulfilled only the function of composition preparation, which is usually discreetly hidden and limited to the composition classroom of a music school. These pieces usually do not reach the desired technical standard. Until the beginning of the 1920s, Bohuslav Martinů was characterized by a large-scale work that did not meet this necessary condition. That's why he himself did not grant it true artistic validity.

“My mother [Olga Valoušková], a singer at the National Theater at the time, recalled more than once how in the evening after a performance, a timid student would wait at the artist's entrance to hand her rolls of sheet music tied with a red ribbon. They were Bohuslav Martinů's first and naive song attempts,” revealed her son Vladimír Bor (Hudební rozhledy 33, no. 9, 8 August 1980, p. 386).

Among the early compositions dedicated to the singer Olga Valoušková were Two Little Songs in the Folk Tone, H 14, from 25 April 1910 to texts by J. Manin (Superstition and In the Garden of Ours). The gifts continued in the following years: At Night, H 30, Two Songs, H 31 (A Girl's Song and When the Day Ends from 10 February 1911, based on J. V. Sládek's poems), Three Songs, H 34 (My Mother to the text by J. V. Sládek from 11 May 1911, The Right Tally – A. E. Mužík – from 15 May 1911, and Little Song: In the Morning We Went Wrong – Xaver – dated on the title page of the entire cycle "In Prague 26 May 1911" [date in the sketch: 18 October 1910]) and probably the last of the series for Olga Valoušková, Dead Love, H 44 (A. E. Mužík, dated 20 January 1912).

Jaroslav Mihule, Martinů: osud skladatele, Praha: Karolinum, 2002, pp. 39–40 [factual mistakes were corrected according to autographs by Jana Burdová, 2024].


My Mother (Má matička, 1911), H 34/1, to words by Josef Sládek, agitatedly contrasts a sailor's tribulation at sea with those of his anxious mother. The Right Tally (Pravý počet, 1911), H 34/2, to words by Robert Mužík, finds the young man in a fanciful though not unduly earnest dialogue with his surroundings while out walking with his loved one.

Richard Whitehouse, Songs, Vol. 3 – The Rose, Naxos 2015

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