General information
Title CZTři písně na básně Apollinairovy
Title ENThree Songs after Poems by Guillaume Apollinaire
Title DEDrei Apollinairelieder
Title FRTrois mélodies sur les poèmes de Guillaume Apollinaire [auth.]
CategoryVocal Music
SubcategoryWorks for Solo Voice and Piano
Halbreich number197
Author of lyrics/libretto Apollinaire, Guillaume
Nezval, Vítězslav
Parts of the composition (movements)1. La neige blanche (White Snow; Poco moderato); 2. L`adieu (Goodbye); 3. Saltimbanques (Comedians)
InstrumentsV Pf
Dedicatee Pečírková, Anna
Diplomatic transcription of the dedicationPsáno pro | paní Andulu Pečírkovou. [Written for | Mrs. Andula Pečírková.]
Note on the dedicationDedicated to Anna Pečírková.
Place of compositionParis
Year of origin1930
Initiation of composition1930
Completion of composition1930
First performance
Performer Pečírková, Anna
Štěpán, Václav
Date of the first performance13.01.1933
Location of the first performancePrague
Note on the first performanceAnna Pečírková (voice), Václav Štěpán (piano)
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceNadace Bohuslava Martinů
DepositionCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Note on the autograph depostitionCopy of the song No. 3 by foreign hand held by Olga Černá.
CopyrightSchott Music GmbH & Co.
First edition
Note on first editionNot published. Transcription of the 3rd song transcribed from Naxos recording available at Martinů Library.
Editions available at the BM Institute
Call number at the BM Institute: 1336
Specification of the edition: Unpublished transcription from recording
Details of this edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Lyrics by Guillaume Apollinaire, Czech translation by Vítězslav Nezval.
Title of the first song in the autograph score: "La blanche neige".
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