General information
Title CZVoják a tanečnice
Subtitle CZkomická opera o 3 dějstvích
Title ENThe Soldier and the Dancer
Subtitle ENcomic opera in 3 acts
Title DEDer Soldat und die Tänzerin
Subtitle DEkomische Oper in drei Aufzügen
CategoryStage Works and Film Music
Halbreich number162
Author of lyrics/libretto Löwenbach, Jan
Author of literary model Plautus, Titus Maccius
List of charactersSimon (Bar), Malina (A), Kalidorus (T), Pseudolus (Bar), Bambula (B), Fenicie (S), Aloisie (A), Harpex (T), cook (T), others (7 S, 5 T, 1 Bar, 2 B, 6 Sp)
Place of compositionPolička
Place of composition 2Paris
Year of origin1927
Initiation of composition07/1926
Completion of composition19.06.1927
First performance
Performer Babánek, Bohumil
Čihák, Jaroslav
Čvanová, Alexandra
Hladík, Jaroslav
Neumann, František
Otava, Zdeněk
Pelz, Antonín
Zítek, Ota
Date of the first performance05.05.1928
Location of the first performanceBrno, National Theatre (Národní divadlo)
Note on the first performanceFrantišek Neumann (cond.), Ota Zítek (direc.), Bohumil Babánek (scen.); Jaroslav Hladík (choreography); Antonín Pelz (Kalidorus), Zdeněk Otava (Pseudolus), Jaroslav Čihák (Bambula), Alexandra Čvanová (Fenicie)
Ensemble Národní divadlo Brno
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
CopyrightSchott Music GmbH & Co.
Purchase linkbuy
First edition
PublisherDilia – Divadelní a literární agentura
Place of issuePraha
Year of publication1966
Editions available at the BM Institute
Dilia – Divadelní a literární agentura, Prague, 1966
Call number at the BM Institute: 1317, 1318, 1319
Specification of the edition: 1st edition - large score + piano reduction
Details of this edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Origin: 1st act: Polička, July-September 1926; 2nd and 3rd act: Paris, 1927.
Czech libretto: Jan Löwenbach ("J. L. Budín") after Pseudolus, comedy of Plautus. German translation: Kurt Honolka.
About the composition

The first opera by Bohuslav Martinů Soldier and Dancer, H 162 which came into being between 1926 and 1927 ranks among remarkable opera opuses of the 20th century. like in all his other operas, Martinů tried for a new form reminiscent of a live musical theater. The libretto of the opera is based on the text of Plautus's comedy Pseudolus the Fox in the form of an operatic revue combining a story from Antiquity with modern features, including the principle of theater in theater and a play within a play. Its overall atmosphere is close, for example, to the playful poetics of plays of the Liberated Theater. The musical language of the opera employs both Neo-Classical and jazz elements, including subtle opera parody and the grotesque. The opera has been staged only in three productions. Its world premiere was on May 5, 1928 in Brno; its next production took place in 1966 (Olomouc) and 1990 (Ostrava).

Jiří Nekvasil, programme of the Bohuslav Martinů Festival's concert, December 15, 2000

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