General information
Title CZSonáta pro housle a klavír č. 2
Title ENSonata for Violin and Piano No. 2
Title DESonate für Violine und Klavier Nr. 2
Title FRSonate pour violon et piano n° 2
CategoryChamber Music
SubcategoryDuos for Violin and Piano
Halbreich number208
Parts of the composition (movements)1. Allegro moderato; 2. Larghetto; 3. Poco allegretto
InstrumentsVl Pf
Dedicatee Sampigny-Bailly, Hortense de
Diplomatic transcription of the dedicationA Hortense de Sampigny-Bailly
Note on the dedicationDedication on the first page of the printed score.
Place of compositionParis
Year of origin1931
Initiation of composition1931
Completion of composition1931
First performance
Performer Sampigny-Bailly, Hortense de
Date of the first performance20.01.1933
Location of the first performanceParis
Autograph deposition
Note on the autograph depostitionAutograph missing.
Sketch held by the Czech Museum of Music.
CopyrightÉditions Durand-Salabert-Eschig
Purchase linkbuy
First edition
PublisherRaymond Deiss
Place of issuePaříž
Year of publication1932
Editions available at the BM Institute
Raymond Deiss, Paris, 1932
Call number at the BM Institute: 1175, 1175a
Specification of the edition: 1st edition
Details of this edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Date of origin: Summer 1931.
About the composition

The Sonata for violin and piano no.2  is dedicated to Hortense de Sampigny-Bailly. It was composed at a time when Martinů had begun investing what he had learnt from his 1920s experimentation in what he himself termed “definitive” works. This was the year of the String Quartet with Orchestra, H 207, and the Partita for string orchestra, H 212, the first signs of the neo-Baroque orientation that was later to appear in a number of compositions based on the principles of the Baroque concerto grosso. This sonata is a work of elegance, moderation - particularly regarding dynamics - and balanced poise, and none of its three movements exceeds four minutes in duration. Music of clear tonal designation makes its return here after a prolonged absence, and the music is quite free of jazz rhythms. The "toccata" aspect of the preceding works moves somewhat into the background in this sonata to give way to the composer's expansive melodic writing.

Aleš Březina, Martinů: Works for Violin and Piano 2, © 1999 Supraphon Music a.s 

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