General information
Call number at the BM Institute214 I/A3
Title of the composition The Chap-Book, 1st version, H 214 I
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph score
Closer specification of the typeAutograph score of the 3rd act, 1st scene (The Legend of St Dorothy)
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1Czech
Date of origin26.01.1931
Note on the date of origin20–26 January 1931
Place of originParis
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageB. Martinů: | Špalíček | balet. | Jednání III. | Obraz 1. | Legenda | o svaté Dorotě. | Osoby: Král Fabricius, Theofil, rytíř, Sv. Dorota, kat, anděl, 2 čerti a obecenstvo. | Orchestr. 1. 2. oboe, 1. 2. clar. 1. 2 fag. | 1. 2 corni 1. 2. trompett. 1. 2 tromb. | Timp. Piano | Sopran solo | Tenor " | bas " | Ženský sbor. | Trvání = [in pencil:] 10 minut. | [following text is croosed out in pencil and there is a marking also in pencil: "Smyčce (malé)":] 1. 2. 3. 4. violini soli, 1. 2. alti soli | 1. 2. vcelli soli, 1. 2. c. bassi soli
Source deposition
Owner of the sourcePaul Sacher Stiftung
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)16.04.2020
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Digitized atPaul Sacher Stiftung
Date of digitisation04/2020
Note on digitisationscan

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