General information
Call number at the BM Institute207/SP
Title of the composition String Quartet with Orchestra, H 207
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceManuscript in foreign hand
Closer specification of the typeFragment of manuscript solo parts – Vl II solo
Author Halleux, Laurent
Date of origin1932
Note on the date of originDate of origin unknown, probably in 1932
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[title page is blank]
Number of pages bearing notation18+1
Total number of pages18+1
Original pagination-
Note on paginationInserted small leaf of paper (1st movement, bars 58–70)
Number and arrangement of staves16 (small leaf 4)
Writing instrumentPen (black ink), pencil
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreOrch.
Other markingsInterpreter’s inscriptions; there are pencil markings with corrections of pitches and dynamics, interpretive markings (e.g. bowings and fingerings), and bar numbers
CommentsThere exists a fragment of a set of manuscript solo parts (SP) made by the Pro Arte Quartet from A, apparently for rehears for the world premiere and later performanes. Only the Vl II has been preserved from the estate of Laurent Halleux, who played second violin in the Pro Arte Quartet at the time when the work was performed.
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceConservatoire royale de Bruxelles
Call numberLe Fonds Laurent Halleux, sign. CR-02099
Former ownerHalleux, Laurent
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional black-and-white

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