General information
Call number at the BM Institute343/PF
Title of the composition Symphony No. 6 (Fantaisies Symphoniques), H 343
Class of the sourceMusical source - printed source
Type of the sourceProof of score
Language 1English
PublisherBoosey & Hawkes, London (Boosey & Hawkes, Londýn / Boosey & Hawkes, London)
Plate numberB&H 18243
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[No title page]
Total number of pages113
Dimensions (width x height)Str. 1 (p. 1): ca 285 x 453 mm; str. 2 (p. 2): ca 303 x 455 mm
Other markingsLead pencil: editor's markings.
CommentsDifferent formats, mainly width, the biggest difference from the remaining pages = 1st page. At the end of the score, there is a page with dedication (ca 292 x 460 mm): "Dedicated to Charles Munch for | the Seventy-fifth anniversary of the | Boston Symphony Orchestra and first | performed on 7th January, 1955 | B. & H. 18243".
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceBritish Library
Call numberO/S MISC 37c (3)
Former ownerBoosey & Hawkes, London
Note on the acquisitionBoosey & Hawkes call number, it may change after cataloguing at the British Library.
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Digitized atBritish Library, London
Date of digitisation12/2019

Preview only available at the Institute.

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