General information
Call number at the BM Institute351/RA2
Title of the composition The Epic of Gilgamesh [auth.], H 351
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceReproduction of the autograph score
Closer specification of the typeEngraver's copy with markings by Martinů and UE editors
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1English
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[copied from A; a second, extended dedication was inscribed by BM in blue ink] Dedicated | [underlined:] to Maja Sacher. | Dédié à Maja. | En souvenir de toutes ces années d'amitié | que vous et Paul nous avez temoigné. | B. Martinů. | [underlined:] B. MARTINU. | [underlined:] The Epic of Gilgamesh. | Part I. Gilgamesh. | II. The death of Enkidu | III. Invocation. | (The english translation | by R. Campbell Thompson.) | B. Martinů | For Choir, Soli and | orchestra. | [underlined:] Orchestra. | 2 flutes 2 clar. 3 tromp. 2 tromb. | Harp - Piano - [circled "Timpani" in red ink] Percussion (3.) [red ink used to cross out the "3" and add a question mark together with Philipp's cipher "P."; blue pencil used to reinscribe the "3" and cross out both the question mark and "P."] | String. [an "s" added to the end of the word in red ink] | Sopr. [a circled "Contralto" added in red ink together with a line leading to the comment "auch f. Contralto gibt es ein kleines Solo! siehe pag. 7, letzte Zeile und knapp vorher" with "P."] Tenor. Baryton. Bass Soli | Mixed Choir. | NICE. Feb. 1955 | Duration Part I. Minutes | II. | III. [the duration figures were already crossed out in A]
Number of leaves106 (včetně titulní strany)
Number of pages bearing notationTitulní strana + 105 notových stran
Total number of pages212
Original pagination1–105
Dimensions (width x height)348 x 540 mm
BindingLoose leaves with notation only on recto, no cover
Paper characteristicsYellowed; several punctures on the left side of each paper (probably after previous sewn binding)
Brand of paperCircle Blue Print Co., Inc.
Number and arrangement of staves30
Total span of staves468 mm
Distance between staff lines1,8 mm
Writing instrumentPens (blue and red ink), red, pink, and blue pencil, two lead pencils
Content of particular pagesTitle page; pp. 1–37: "Part I. Gilgamesh."; pp. 38–63: "Part II. The death of Enkidu."; pp. 64–105: "Part III. Invocation."
Markings by B. MartinůBlue ink and lead pencil.
Other markingsMarkings by the editor Philipp in red ink; inscriptions in lead pencil and red, pin, and blue pencil in a larger number of inidentified hands (presumably UE editors').
CommentsThe verso of the last sheet contains the comment "Druckvorlage" in lead pencil in an unidentified hand.
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceUniversal Edition
Date of acquisition1956
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Digitized atDigitisation Centre of the Library of the CAS
Date of digitisation2009
Note on digitisation11. fáze

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