General information
Call number at the BM Institute162/LA2
Title of the composition The Soldier and the Dancer, H 162
Class of the sourceNon-musical source
Type of the sourceLibretto
Closer specification of the typeI. act of the typewritten libretto by Jan Löwenbach with BM’s markings
Author Löwenbach, Jan
Language 1Czech
Date of origin08.07.1926
Note on the date of originthe date of origin is on the reverse of the first page
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pagePseudolud. | čili Prodaná tanečnice. | Text ke zpěvohře dle komedie Plautovy napsal | J.L. Budín. | Osoby: | Šimon, vážený občan athénský | Paní Malina, jeho choť | Kalidorus, jejich syn | Pseudolus, jejich sluha | Bambula, městský radní a majitel tančírny | Fenicium, tanečnice u Bambuly | Aloisie, milenka Pseudolova | Harpax, vojenský sluha | Kuchař | Domovnice | [...] | Tančící dvojníci: Pierot /Kalidorus/, Colombina /Fenicium/ | Harlekýn /Pseudolus/, Trufaldin /Bambula/ | Tanečnice, sluhové, služky,vojáci, občané. | Hra začíná z rána na křižovatce athénských ulic a končí | se téhož dne večer.
Number of leaves13
Number of pages bearing notation15
Original pagination1-12
Paper characteristicstranslucent
Writing instrumenttypewriter, pen (black ink), lead pencil
Markings by B. Martinůautographs and pencil drawings BM
Commentslibretto only 1st act of opera, typewriter
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
DepositionCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Call numberPBM Na 61
Acqusition numberbez př.č.
Former ownerMartinů, Marie
Note on the ownershipthe estate of Marie Martinů (box 3)

Preview only available at the Institute.

Quality of digitisationProfessional
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