General information
Call number at the BM Institute162/A
Title of the composition The Soldier and the Dancer, H 162
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph score
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1Czech
Date of origin20.08.1926
Note on the date of originDate and place of origin given at the end of the score
Place of originPolička
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[Overture, p. 1, unidentified hand:] B. Martinů: Ouvertura k opeře „Voják a tanečnice.“

[Title page of the first act:] B. Martinů. | [unidentified hand, red pencil:] Voják a tanečnice. | Jednání I. | Náměstí. [crossed out: “Večer.”] | Prolog. | (Po overtuře. Nutno upravit jinak | Polička červenec – [crossed out: “srpen”] září 1926. | [unidentified hand, red pencil:] Odesílatel | [pasted piece of paper with Jan Löwenbach’s stamp]
Number of pages bearing notationSvazek/Volume Ac 114/1: 46; Ac 114/2.: 201; Ac 114/3.: 299
Total number of pages552 (Ac 114/1.: 49; Ac 114/2.: 202; Ac 114/3.: 301)
Original pagination2–79; 1–193; 2–67; 1–123
Note on paginationMostly only odd pages;
I. act: 7 pages were crossed out between pages 122 and 124
III. act: between pages 8 and 9 one extra page; error in pagination between pages 75 and 83; one page is mising in the digitisation between pages 458 and 459, paginated as page 81
BindingSewn binding
Paper characteristicsYellowed
Number and arrangement of staves30
Writing instrumentPen (black ink), lead, blue, red and pink pencil
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the score1. 2. Flauti | (Picollo.) | 1. 2. Oboe | (Cor. ingl.) | 1. 2. Clarineti in B | (Clar. in. Es. | 1. 2. | Fagoti.) | 1. 2. Corni F. | 1. 2. Trompette | 3. in B. | 1. 2. | Trombone. | 3. | III Pos | Timpany. | Piano. | Violini I. | II. | Violi | V. celli | K. bassi
Other markingsConductor’s markings in lead, blue, red and pink pencil
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Call numberPBM Ac 114/1-3
Former ownerMartinů, Marie
Quality of digitisation 2Professional

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