General information
Call number at the BM Institute157/A
Title of the composition Duo for Violin and Violoncello No. 1, H 157
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph score
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Date of origin26.01.1927
Note on the date of originGiven on the last page of the score
Place of originParis
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page"Duo" | pour violon et violoncello. | [crossed out:] "Paris" B. M. | B. Martinů | Paris 1927.
Number of leaves9
Number of pages bearing notation17
Total number of pages18
BindingSewn binding
Paper characteristicsYellowed
Brand of paperJ. E. & Co., No. 5, 18 linig
Number and arrangement of staves18
Writing instrumentPen (black ink)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreViolon. | V. cello.
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceNárodní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Call number59 R 1956
Quality of digitisation 2Professional

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