General information
Call number at the BM Institute149/RCS
Title of the composition Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1, H 149
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceMechanical copy
Closer specification of the typeXerox reproduction of the handwritten copy of the score
Person as subject Leichner, Emil ml.
Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1Czech
Note on the date of originAfter 1968 – the handwritten copy bears stamp from Panton from 1968
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageBohuslav Martinů. | I. | Koncert | pro klavír a komorní orchestr | Partitura [the title page of the reproduced original bears four stamps: "MAJETEK | ČESKÉHO HUDEBNÍHO FONDU V PRAZE", "1515", "© Panton Praha 1968", "Published in Czechoslovakia | All rights reserved" and at the bottom margin there is handwritten information in pencil giving first pages of 2nd and 3rd movement and in red pencil duration of the three movements]
Number of leaves194 + 6
Number of pages bearing notation194 + 6
Total number of pages194 + 6
Original pagination3–195
Note on paginationTitle page without pagination; there are two additional copies of the tile page and pages 104 and 105
Dimensions (width x height)297 x 420
BindingLoose leaves
Paper characteristicsWhite office paper A3
Number and arrangement of staves22
Total span of staves302 mm
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreFlauti 1. 2. | Oboe 1. 2. | Clarinetti B 1. 2. | Fagotti 1. 2. | Corni F 1. 2. | Trombi B 1. 2. | 1 Trombone | Piano solo | Violini 1. 2. | Viole | Violoncelli | Contarbassi
Other markingsMostly interpreter’s markings
CommentsCopy of the hire material from the Czech Music Fund with Emil Leicher jr.’s markings.
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceInstitut Bohuslava Martinů
Call number149/RCS
Former ownerLeichner, Emil ml.
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Digitized atIBM

Preview only available at the Institute.

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