General information
Call number at the BM Institute206/A
Title of the composition Games, H 206
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1French
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageB. Martinů / Jeux. / six morceaux faciles pour piano. / Cahier II.
Number of leaves4 dvoulisty, 2 volné listy
Number of pages bearing notation16
Total number of pages18
Original pagination1–15
Dimensions (width x height)271 x 349 mm
Total span of staves298 mm
Distance between staff lines2 mm
Writing instrumentPen – black ink, red pencil
Other markingsRed pencil
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceČeské muzeum hudby
Call numberTr B 311
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)30.11.2016
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Digitized atCzech Museum of Music
Date of digitisation30.11.2016

Preview only available at the Institute.

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