General information
Call number at the BM Institute374/RA2
Title of the composition Nonet No. 2, H 374
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceReproduction of the autograph score
Closer specification of the typeReproduction of the autograph score with Martinů’s markings
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1Czech
Date of origin1959
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageB. Martinu | NONET. | Věnováno [in pencil:] Českému | [crossed out “Československému”] Nonetu. | Leden 1959. | B. Martinů | [there are 4 bars (10 staves) of another composition crossed out at the bottom half of the page].
Number of pages bearing notation47 + titulní strana / title page
Original pagination1–47
Paper characteristicsYellowed
Brand of paperCircle Blue Print Co., Inc.
Number and arrangement of staves20 (title page 21, cut out from a larger format)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreFl. | Ob. | Cl. in. C. +) | Fg. | Horn | Viol. | Viola | Vc | CB | […] | +) Cl. je psán v C. Transponovati to B. (Cl. to be transposed to B♭).
Markings by B. MartinůLead pencil.
Source deposition
Owner of the sourcePaul Sacher Stiftung
Note on the ownershipFormer call No.: Mb 1088
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Digitized atPaul Sacher Stiftung
Date of digitisation2010
Note on digitisation13th phase (scan)

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