General information
Call number at the BM Institute175/R
Title of the composition Three Wishes or Inconstancy of the Life, H 175
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceReproduction of the autograph score
Closer specification of the typeReproduction of the autograph score with performance annotations
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges
Language 1French
Language 2Czech
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[I. act:] [underlined:] B. Martinů. | [underlined:] „Les Trois Souhaits." | ou | [underlined:] „Les vicissitudes de la vie" | Opera-film en 3 actes de M. Ribemont Dessaignes. | Acte I | I. | Orchestre. | Grand orchestr avec | 1. 2. Saxophone, Jazz-flute, Flexaton, Banjo, Piano. (Accordeon II acte) | [...?...] | B. Martinů | 11 bis rue Delambre Paris 14 (France)
[II. act:] II. | [underlined:] B. Martinů. | [underlined:] „Les Trois Souhaits." (Les vicissitudes de la vie.) | Opera-film. (Ribemont Dessaignes.) | [underlined:] Acte II. | B. Martinů | 11 bis rue Delambre Paris 14 (France)
[III. act:] III. | [underlined:] Acte III. | B. Martinů: | [underlined:] „Les Trois Souhaits." (Les vicissitudes de la vie.) | Opera-film. (Ribemont Dessaignes.) | [...?...]
Number of pages bearing notationI.: 227p. + titulní strana/title page; II.: 215p. + titulní strana/title page; III.: 16p + titulní strana/title page; IV.: 44p. + titulní strana/title page; V.: 154p + 3 titulní strany/title pages
Total number of pagesI.: 1 – 227; II.: 1 – 220; III.: 1 - 235
Original paginationI.: 1 – 227; II.: 1 – 220; III.: 1 - 235
Note on paginationI.: 1-227; II.: 1-220; III.:1-153; Le Départ: 61-153; Film: 154-235
Bindingfirm binding
Number and arrangement of staves30; 28; 32
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreI. act
[1st page, underlined:] I. Choeur | (chanté) | Soprani: | Alti: | Tenori: | Bassi: | II. Choeur (parlé),
[2. strana:] Flauto picollo | Flauto I. | I. II. Oboe. | I./II. Clarinetti | B. |1. 2. Fagotti | 4 corni in F. | 3. Trompette C. | 1 2./3. Tromboni | et | Tuba. | Tympani | Tamburo pic. | Gr. Caisse | Piatti | Banjo. | Piano. | I. Choeur | II. Choeur (parlé) | I. | Violini II. | Alti[!] | V-celli | C. Bassi
II. act
Flaut. | Ob. | Clar. | |Fag. | 2 Corni | 1. 2. [...] | B. Trompette. | 3. | Trombone | et Tuba | Timpani | Gr, Caisse. | Piatti | Tambuto | pic. d nihil | Banjo | Piano. | I. | Viol. | II. | Alti [!] | V. celli | C. Bassi
III. act
Picollo | Flauto | Oboe. | Clar. | Fag. | Corni | Trp. | Trb. | Timp. | G. C. | Tamb. | Piano. | I. | II. | Violi | V. celli | C. B.
Content of particular pagesperforming annotations
Markings by B. Martinů-
Other markingsblue and red crayon, pencil: performing annotations
CommentsThe reproduction also includes notes and inscriptions, which are in the autograph score in pencil, pen (black and blue ink) and pencil (red, blue).
Owner of the sourceDilia – Divadelní a literární agentura
DepositionDilia – Divadelní a literární agentura

Preview only available at the Institute.

Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Digitized atDilia
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