General information
Call number at the BM Institute279/P
Title of the composition Field Mass, H 279
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceParts in copyist’s hand
Closer specification of the typeOrchestral parts in foreign hand
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Note on the date of originProbably made for the premiere in February 1946
Place of originPrague
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[cover title of all parts in typescript:] B. Martinů: Polní mše | [instrument]
Note on paginationPicc I (5 p.), Picc II (5 p.), Cl I (9 p.), Cl II (9 p.), Tr I (7 p.), Tr II (6 p.), Tr III (5 p.), Trb I (5 p.), Trb II (5 p.), Timp (5 p.), Tamb picc (5 p.), Tamb I+II (5 p.), Crot, GC+Ptti (5 p.), Trgl+Cpnl (4 p.), Pf (18 p.), Arm (4 p.)
Dimensions (width x height)259 x 325 mm
Number and arrangement of staves12, 10
Total span of staves270 mm, 275 mm
Distance between staff lines2 mm, 3 mm
Writing instrumentPen (black ink)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreInstrumentation: Picc I, II, Cl I, II, Tr I, II, III, Trb I, II, Timp, Tamb picc, Tamb I, II, Crot, GC, Ptti, Trgl, Cpnl, Pf, Arm
Content of particular pagesPencil, blue (2x), red and black pen, red pencil, red ink: inscriptions
Other markingsPiccolo I – p. 5 - by blue pen „16., 17. XII. 65 ČF Ančerl“; black ink: „14., 15. XI. 69 Č.F. Neumann“
• Inscriptions by pencil and black pen

Piccolo II – p. 5 - by black ink: „29. IX.84 Neumann Brno, 3.X. Bratislava Neumann, Budapest 5.X.84, 11.X.84 Berlin Neumann“
• Inscriptions by pencil and blue pen

Klarinet I – p. 8. - 8th stave taped up

Tromba I – p. 3 – „con sord.„ crossed out by black ink, subsequent by pencil „senza“, at bottom by blue pen „sord.“ and on p. 5 too

Tromba II – p. 2 - changing „con a senza sord.“, by red ink:“ Stuchlý Č.F. 14.16.IV.1958 na desky“, by blue pen „20,21.I.1983“

Trombon II - by black ink, pencil, blue pen: changing „con a senza sord.“
• On p. 6. připis by pencil: „natočeno na desky 14.-16.4.1958, dir. Liška, R.K.M…?

Triangl – zvon - on p. 4 after number 31 by pencil: “Chce-li tomu tak dirigent, je možné akceptovat verzi ve které se tento zásah (zazvonění – na uvedenou čtvrťovou notu) vynechává"
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceČeská filharmonie
Call number1890
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Date of digitisation2015

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