General information
Call number at the BM Institute196 III/RA
Title of the composition Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra No. 1, 3rd version, H 196 III
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceReproduction of the autograph score
Closer specification of the typeReproduction of the autograph score with markings by B. Martinů and P. Fournier
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Person as subject Fournier, Pierre
Language 1French
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageDedié | à Pierre Fournier. | avec mon amitié | et l'admiration. | B. Martinů | Ire Concerto | pour violoncelle | avec l' orchestre. | B. Martinu. | Bohuslav Martinů | Orchestre. | 2 Fl., 2 ob, 2 cl., 2 Bs | 4 Cors, 2 trp – 3 trb. | Timp. T. pic, G. caisse – Piatti | Strings. | La partition revisée en 1955.
Number of leaves28 + titulní list / title leaf
Number of pages bearing notation56 + title page
Original pagination1–56
Dimensions (width x height)287 x 358 mm
BindingSpiral binding
Brand of paperCircle Blue Print Co., Inc.
Number and arrangement of staves20 (title page, pp. 1–4, 12–13, 17–18, 33, 49–56) / 24 (pp. 5–11, 14–16, 19–32, 34–48)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreFl. 1. 2. | Ob. 1. 2. | Cl. 1. 2. | Bs. 1. 2. | Horn. | Trt. 1. 2. | Trb 1. 2. 3. | Timp. | T. pic. | Piatti | I | II. | V. | Vc. | D. B
Markings by B. MartinůBlue pen, probably only on the title page: “avec mon amitié | et l'admiration. | B. Martinů”, “Bohuslav Martinů”
Other markingsPierre Fournier (blue pen, blue and lead pencil); Pierre Fournier or a conductor (red pencil)
CommentsThree letters from Martinů to Fournier are enclosed to the reproduction of the autograph score (3 f., 5 pp.; see Fou 1955-06-13, Fou 1955-06-30 and Fou 1955-08-23)
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceBritish Library
Call numberMS Mus. 272
Note on the acquisitionProvenance: Sotheby’s
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional black-and-white
Date of digitisation2012
Note on digitisationBlack-and-white scan

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