General information
Call number at the BM Institute268/D2
Title of the composition String Quartet No. 5, H 268
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceDraft
Closer specification of the typeAutograph draft with Martinů’s drawings
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Person as subject Kaprálová, Vítězslava
Language 1Czech
Date of origin05/1938
Note on the date of originProbably between 26 April and 15 May 1938 in Paris
Place of originParis
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[no title page, on page 1:] V smyčcový kvartett. B. Martinů | I věta | Napsáno počátkem května 1938 | tato skiza nepatří nikomu než písničce. | Vitulce Kaprálové | V Paříži Máj 1938. | která odjela daleko se zotavit.
Number of leaves6
Number of pages bearing notation12
Total number of pages12
Note on paginationOnly oss pages are paginated
BindingLoose double leaves bound with thread
Number and arrangement of staves31
Writing instrumentPencil, pen (black ink)
Content of particular pagesDrawings and textual fragments of private character
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceMoravské zemské muzeum, Brno
Call numberA 29.759
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)2003
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Digitized atMoravian Museum
Date of digitisation2003, 2017
Note on digitisation6th and 20th phase

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