General information
Call number at the BM Institute142/ARR
Title of the composition Half-time, H 142
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceArrangement
Closer specification of the typeScore in foreign hand, arrangement for large wind orchestra
Author Zeman, Jaroslav
Person as subject Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1Czech
Date of origin04/1996
Place of originPrague
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page191/IV | partitura: velký dechový orchestr | Bohuslav MARTINŮ | HALF TIME | RONDO PRO VELKÝ ORCHESTR | pro velký dechový orchestr instrumentoval: | Jaroslav ZEMAN | ORCHESTR: | FLÉTNA 1/2 C | PICOLA /FL. 3/ C | HOBOJ 1/2 | KLARINET Es | KLARINET 1/2/3 B | BASKLARINET | FAGOTI 1/2 | SAXOFON Es alto 1/2 | SAXOFON B tenor 1/2 | SAXOFON Bar. Es | CORNO 1/2 F | CORNO 3/4 F | KŘÍDLOVKA 1/2 | TENOR | BARYTON | TRUBKA 1/2 B | TRUBKA 3/4 B | TRUBKA 1/2 Es | BASTRUBKA | POZOUN 1/2 | POZOUN 3/TUBA | KONTRABAS | TUBA 1/2 | PIANO | TYMPÁNI | MALÝ BUBEN/TRIANGEL | ČINELY A VELKÝ BUBEN / XYLOFON
Number of pages bearing notation71 (2 titulní strany / 2 title pages + 69)
Original pagination1–69
Source deposition
Owner of the source- Soukromý vlastník, Private owner
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Digitized atBohuslav Martinů Institute

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