General information
Call number at the BM Institute130/CS
Title of the composition Istar [auth.], H 130
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceCopy of the score
Closer specification of the typeConductor’s score
Language 1Czech
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page1D 149/I | „Istar“ | Ballet o 3 jednáních. | [“J.” crossed out and replaced by “Bohuslav”] Martinů. | Jednání 1ní | „Smrt Tammuze“ | Scéna: Modrá noc. | 2491/54
Writing instrumentPen (black ink)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreFlautti I II III | Oboi I II | Cor. ingl. | Clarinetti. | Fagotti. | Corni. | Trombi. | Tromboni e Tuba. | Timpani. | Piatti. | Arpa. | Violini 1mi | Violini 2do | Alto. | Celli. | Basso.
Other markingsLead, blue, red, purple and green pencil, blue pen
CommentsStamps on the title page: “181 P1” and “ARCHIV ČESK. ZEMSK. V PRAZE A NÁRODNÍHO DIVADLA”
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceNárodní divadlo v Praze
Call number181/P1
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)07/2021
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Digitized atMusic Archive of the National Theatre Prague
Date of digitisation07/2021

Preview only available at the Institute.

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