General information
Call number at the BM Institute149/ASP
Title of the composition Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1, H 149
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph solo part
Closer specification of the typeAutograph piano part with markings in foreign hand
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Person as subject Heřman, Jan
Language 1Czech
Language 2French
Date of origin12.10.1925
Note on the date of originDate on the last page; on the title page: July 1925
Place of originPolička
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageConcerto. | Concerto. | FANTASIE [over this title is written "CONCERTO" in lead and red pencil and pen] | pour piano et orchestre de chambre. | 1. 2. flauti | 1. 2 oboe | 1. 2. Clarin. | 1. 2. bassons | 1. 2. Corni | 1. 2. Trompete. | 1. Trombone. | 1. 2 pult Violini I. (4) | 1. 2 pult Violini II. (4) | 1. 2 pult Altos. (4) | 1. 2. – Viol. celli (2) | 1. 2. – Contrebassi (2) | B. Martinů. | V Poličce, červenec 1925.
Number of leaves26 (25 + titulní list / title leaf)
Number of pages bearing notation51 (50 + titulní strana / title page)
Total number of pages52
Note on paginationNo page numbers
Dimensions (width x height)271 x 350 mm
BindingSewn binding
Arrangement of sections of pagesThree folders tacked together with thread
Number and arrangement of staves12
Total span of staves295 mm
Distance between staff linesca 2,3 mm
Writing instrumentPen (black ink), lead and red pencil
Other markingsLead, red and blue pencil
CommentsRound stamp at the bottom of the title page: "KNIHOVNA AKADEMIE MÚZICKÝCH UMĚNÍ V PRAZE", below inscribed in blue ballpoint pen: "H 813/78"
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceKnihovna HAMU - Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Acqusition numberH 813/78
Note on the ownershipPrevious owner: Jan Heřman
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)30.06.2021
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Digitized atHAMU Library
Date of digitisation06/2021

Preview only available at the Institute.

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