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Page 32 of 35, showing 50 records out of 1701 total

Preview Date Description BMI call number
1918 A drawing of human heads. A drawing with a pencil. Page 80, a paper stick in the sketch book. kres0219
1918 Ten little caricatures of Martinů with a text. A drawing with a pencil. Page 81, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0220
1918 A drawing with a text "At Veleslavín's.", "Me and Novák with a lady.", "At Jiránek's" A drawing by a pencil. Page 81, on the back of a paper. kres0221
1918 A little sketch of a sitting person. A drawing by a pencil. Page 81, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0222
1918 Drawings "Spratek nese voběd [sic!]", "U Nováka", "Zápas pěvců.", "Co se stane, když Lohengrinu první trubač zastaví", "Lohengrin". ("A boy brings a lunch", "At Novák's", "Singer's battle.", "What happens when Lohengrin's first bugler stops", "Lohengrin".) A drawing with a pencil. Page 85, a paper stick in the sketch book. kres0223
1918 Drawings "Když přišel někdo o půl 3 domů.", "Já a držadlo u schodů a mokér.", "To bené co jsme si v sobotu od 4 do 7 dali.", "V neděli v Holohlavicích." ("When someone came home at half past two.", "Me and a handle at the stairs and mokér.", "That bené we took on Saturday from 4 to 7.", "On Sunday in Holohlavice.") A drawing with a pencil. Page 85, on the back of a paper. kres0224
02/1917 Autocaricature of Bohuslav Martinů. In a letter to Stanislav Novák. kres0013
1916 Martinů visiting Vladimír Čech's parsonage in Borová, accompanied by Čech's nieces. foto0007
1916 Bohuslav Martinů with Stanislav Novák visiting parson Vladimír Čech. foto0008
1916 Bohuslav Martinů with Stanislav Novák visiting parson Vladimír Čech. foto0009
1916 Bohuslav Martinů visiting parson Vladimír Čech in Borová. foto0010
02.08.1915 Bohuslav Martinů on a group photography "Remembrance of 43-50-Year Old's Draft" foto0025
1915 From Borová. Nieces of parson Vladimír Čech sitting in a carriage. foto0002
1915 An evangelic parsonage with a stream in the front, behing the stream probably Gabriela Čechová (madam Beli). foto0003
1915 Bohuslav Martinů in Borová. foto0004
1915 Bohuslav Martinů together with Gabriela Čechová and nieces of parson Vladimír Čech in Borová. foto0005
1915 Bohuslav Martinů and Čechová's damsels on trip. foto0006
1915 Parents of Bohuslav Martinů - Ferdinand and Karolina. foto0026
31.08.1914 A drawing (A soldier with a girl.) kres0021
1914 Autocaricatures of Bohuslav Martinů drawn by a pen. kres0002: Martinů playing the violin, text to the drawing "Martinů-všecko!" "Houslehrajícímartinů" ("Martinů-everything!" "Martinůplayingviolin") kres0003: Martinů playing the piano, text to the drawing "Martinůnaklavírhrající" ("Martinůplayingpiano") kres0002 - kres0003
1914 Autocaricatures of Bohuslav Martinů drawn by a pen. kres0004: Martinů writes, text to the drawing "Martinůbásněpíšící." ("Martinůwritingpoems.") kres0005: Martinů cunducts, text to the drawing "Martinů jako dirigent" ("Martinů as a conductor") kres0006: Martinů composes, text to the drawing "Martinůkomponinující." ("Martinůcomposing.") kres0007: Martinů composes, text to the drawing "Ještěmartinůkomponující (Skica nedoučená)" ("Martinůstillcomposing (Draftunstudied)") kres0008: Martinů rides a bicycle, text to the drawing "Martinůnotbeingabletorideabicycle." kres0009: Martinů writes a letter, text to the drawing "Martinůwritingalettertohisfriend." kres0010: Martinů plays a pipe organ, text to the drawing "Martinůplayingapipeorganandsteppingonpedals." kres0011: Martinů, text to the drawing "Martinůlistening" kres0004 - kres0011
1914 Autocaricatures of Bohuslav Martinů drawn by a pen. Martinů and a son. Text in the drawing "Martinůnaslunciodpočívající" ("Martinůrelaxinginsun") kres0012
21.09.1912 Bohuslav Martinů as a violinist. foto0024
1912 Bohuslav Martinů. foto0023
1912 Bohuslav Martinů with Stanislav Novák. foto0033
1912 Autocaricature of Bohuslav Martinů. kres0016
11.11.1911 The front page with a text: "Cyklus Bohuslava Martinů zánik a to ostatní. Vypravuje obrazem sám autor. B. M." ("A cycle The End of Bohuslav Martinů and other things. Narrated by the auther himself. B. M.") kres0056
11.11.1911 A self-portrait with a text: "BM. se představuje pokud stačí papír ve své podobě předsmrtné." ("BM. introduces himself in his 'pre mortem' being as much as the paper allows.") kres0057
11.11.1911 kres0058: Drawing with a text "Bohuslava Martinů, t.zv. umělce, život posmrtný. Obraz 1. BM. bere si život." ("Posthumous life of Bohuslav Martinů, so called artist. Picture 1. BM. takes his own life.") kres0059: Drawing with a text "BM. nalézá se v rakvi. (Jeho přátelé se na něj složili, aby uctili památku tohoto velkého muže") ("BM. in a coffin. (His friends gave their money together to a memorial of this significant man.") kres0058 - kres0059
11.11.1911 Drawing with a text "B. M. poslední cesta" ("The last road of B. M."). kres0060
11.11.1911 kres0061: Drawing with a text "(Ráno)", "B. M. probuzení." ("(In the morning)", "B. M. awakening.") kres0062: Drawing with a text "B. M. před soudem." ("B. M. in court,") kres0061 - kres0062
11.11.1911 kres0063: drawing with a text "B. M. jest vážen." ("B. M. is weighed.") kres0064: drawing with a text "B. M. jest z ráje vyvržen." ("B. M. is threw out of heaven.") kres0063 - kres0064
11.11.1911 kres0065: Drawing with a text "a peklu odevzdán" ("and given to the hell") kres0065: Drawing with a text "B. M. kerak škvarek" ("B. M. burnt to death") kres0065 - kres0066
11.11.1911 kres0067: drawing with a text "Konec" ("The end") kres0067
11.11.1911 kres0068: drawing with a text "B. M. dobývá se do nebe. První dojmy v nebi." ("B. M. is getting to heaven. First impressions in heaven") kres0069: drawing with a text "B. M. civí na nové známosti." ("B. M. stares at new acquaintances") kres0068 - kres0069
11.11.1911 kres0070: drawing with a text "B. M. je jemně upozorněn že má smeknout." ("B. M. is gently warned of the necessity to bow.") kres0071: drawing with a text "B. M. se zařizuje" ("B. M. settles.") kres0070 - kres0071
11.11.1911 kres0072: drawing of Death, without a text kres0072
11.11.1911 kres0073: drawing of Death on the Earth, "11. 11. 1911" written above the drawing kres0073
1911 Polička Company together with Ferdinand and Bohuslav Martinů in Balda - from the right: Albína Stodolová (née Lichtágová) standing, pipe organ builder Karel Čápek standing above her, Fr. Graciásová standing beside him, Jindřich Mittelmuller beside her, an inkeeper in today's Tyršova Street, Ferdinand Martinů, Bohuslav Martinů. Sitting in the middle: Bedřiška Koblihová (née Čápková) holding her son Oldřich, Marie Leederová (née Čápková) holding her son Jaroslav Leeder (photographer). The first line in the front, a girl standing - later married Bernardová. foto0001
1910 Bohuslav Martinů foto0022
1910 Kres0022: Podbal kres0023: St. John of Nepomuk, Smiřice (A drawing with a text "If only I could speak! Oh yes.") kres0022 - kres0023
1910 kres0024: drawing with a text "Map of Prague, day", "Miss Mařenka", "Novák", "Holešovice" kres0024
1910 kres0025: a drawing with a text "Po Haydnovi" ("After Haydn") kres0026: a drawing with a text "Po Bachanale z Tannhäusera" ("After Bachanale from Tannhäuser") kres0030: a drawing with a text "Po Regerově 'Prologu'" ("After Reger's 'Prologue'") kres0031: a drawing with a text "Po Straus. Enšpíglu" ("After Straus' Eulenspiegel") kres0025; kres0026; kres0030; kres0031
1910 kres0027: drawing with a text "Novák na laně. nahoře" ("Novák on rope. above") kres0028: drawing with a text "Po Soambatiově symfonii" ("After Soambati's symphony") kres0029: drawing with a text "Po Veingartnerově 'Nisa blaš [?]'" ("After Veingartner's 'Nisa blaš [?]'") kres0027; kres0028; kres0029
1910 Drawing of three riders, text "Tři jezdci. Báseň Jar. Vrchlick[ého]" ("Three riders. A poem by Jar. Vrchlick[ého]") kres0032
1910 Drawing with a text "Výev ze školní syně" ("Scene from a school hall") kres0033
1910 kres0034: Drawing with a text "smějící se Martinů" ("Martinů smiling") kres0035: Drawing with a text "Novak" ("Novak") kres0034; kres0035
1910 kres0036: Kresba s textem "Výjev z malého sálu" ("A scene from a small hall") kres0037: Autocaricature, without a text kres0036; kres0037
1910 Timetable from Monday to Thursday and Martinů's autocaricature. kres0038
1910 A drawing with a text "Protějsek ke Klinger. obrazu unos"; "fotografyje"; "kočka" ("A parallel to a Klinger's picture kidnapping"; "a photography"; "a cat") kres0039
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