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Page 32 of 35, showing 50 records out of 1701 total

Preview Date Description BMI call number
1928 Autocaricature of Bohuslav Martinů. In a letter to Miloš Šafránek. kres0015
1912 Autocaricature of Bohuslav Martinů. kres0016
31.08.1914 A drawing (A soldier with a girl.) kres0021
1910 Kres0022: Podbal kres0023: St. John of Nepomuk, Smiřice (A drawing with a text "If only I could speak! Oh yes.") kres0022 - kres0023
1910 kres0024: drawing with a text "Map of Prague, day", "Miss Mařenka", "Novák", "Holešovice" kres0024
1910 kres0025: a drawing with a text "Po Haydnovi" ("After Haydn") kres0026: a drawing with a text "Po Bachanale z Tannhäusera" ("After Bachanale from Tannhäuser") kres0030: a drawing with a text "Po Regerově 'Prologu'" ("After Reger's 'Prologue'") kres0031: a drawing with a text "Po Straus. Enšpíglu" ("After Straus' Eulenspiegel") kres0025; kres0026; kres0030; kres0031
1910 kres0027: drawing with a text "Novák na laně. nahoře" ("Novák on rope. above") kres0028: drawing with a text "Po Soambatiově symfonii" ("After Soambati's symphony") kres0029: drawing with a text "Po Veingartnerově 'Nisa blaš [?]'" ("After Veingartner's 'Nisa blaš [?]'") kres0027; kres0028; kres0029
1910 Drawing of three riders, text "Tři jezdci. Báseň Jar. Vrchlick[ého]" ("Three riders. A poem by Jar. Vrchlick[ého]") kres0032
1910 Drawing with a text "Výev ze školní syně" ("Scene from a school hall") kres0033
1910 kres0034: Drawing with a text "smějící se Martinů" ("Martinů smiling") kres0035: Drawing with a text "Novak" ("Novak") kres0034; kres0035
1910 kres0036: Kresba s textem "Výjev z malého sálu" ("A scene from a small hall") kres0037: Autocaricature, without a text kres0036; kres0037
1910 Timetable from Monday to Thursday and Martinů's autocaricature. kres0038
1910 A drawing with a text "Protějsek ke Klinger. obrazu unos"; "fotografyje"; "kočka" ("A parallel to a Klinger's picture kidnapping"; "a photography"; "a cat") kres0039
1910 A drawing with a text "Don Manuel: Don't cry! I'm not dead! I'm just pretending." kres0040
1910 Overview of basic French verbs, without a translation into Czech. kres0042
1910 A drawing with a text "Tanhäuser"; "Průvod poutníků" ("Tanhäuser"; "Procession of a wanderers") kres0043
1910 A drawing with a text "Prsten Nibelůnga. Sigfried." ("The Ring of the Nibelung. Sigfried.") kres0044
1910 A drawing with a text "Faust ve scenování p. Laciny"; "Faust"; "Marketka"; "Mefisto". ("Faust in a scenography of Mr. Lacina"; "Faust"; "Marketka"; "Mefisto") kres0045
1910 A drawing with a text "Bludný Holanďan". ("Flying Dutchman") kres0046
1910 kres0047: A drawing with texts "E. Oněgin upomíná se tímto ku zapravení 40 K za housle."; "Evžen Oněgin"; "Oněgin"; "Vyzvání přijímám!" ("E. Onegin is requested to pay 40 crowns for a violin."; "Eugene Onegin"; "Onegin"; "I accept the bidding!") kres0048: A drawing with texts "Tulák"; "Le chemineau" ("A wanderer"; "Le chemineau") kres0047; kres0048
1910 A drawing with a text "Útok ozbrojeného lidu Milady na král. hrád (provedeno v Národním 1908)"; "Milada"; "Hurá! Hura."; "Dalibor." ("The attack by Milada's armed people on a castle (realized in the National Theatre in 1908)"; "Milada"; "Hurray! Hurray."; "Dalibor") kres0049
1910 A drawing with a text "Louisa"; "Paříš! paříš! paříš! pařím!" kres0050
1910 Drawing with a text "Otec: Opust mě céro nezdárná!"; "Louisa V akt" ("Father: Leave me, my reprobate daughter!"; "Louisa, act V") kres0051
1910 Autocaricature of Martinů climbing a tree. kres0052
1910 Drawing with a text "Žižka. Berg. První pozdrav ráno." ("Žižka. Berg. The first greeting in the morning.") kres0053
1910 A drawing with a text "Psohlavče!" kres0054
1910 Drawing with a text "Ráno v 5 hodin na Žizkově vrchu." ("On the Žižka's Hill at 5 a.m.") kres0055
11.11.1911 The front page with a text: "Cyklus Bohuslava Martinů zánik a to ostatní. Vypravuje obrazem sám autor. B. M." ("A cycle The End of Bohuslav Martinů and other things. Narrated by the auther himself. B. M.") kres0056
11.11.1911 A self-portrait with a text: "BM. se představuje pokud stačí papír ve své podobě předsmrtné." ("BM. introduces himself in his 'pre mortem' being as much as the paper allows.") kres0057
11.11.1911 kres0058: Drawing with a text "Bohuslava Martinů, t.zv. umělce, život posmrtný. Obraz 1. BM. bere si život." ("Posthumous life of Bohuslav Martinů, so called artist. Picture 1. BM. takes his own life.") kres0059: Drawing with a text "BM. nalézá se v rakvi. (Jeho přátelé se na něj složili, aby uctili památku tohoto velkého muže") ("BM. in a coffin. (His friends gave their money together to a memorial of this significant man.") kres0058 - kres0059
11.11.1911 Drawing with a text "B. M. poslední cesta" ("The last road of B. M."). kres0060
11.11.1911 kres0061: Drawing with a text "(Ráno)", "B. M. probuzení." ("(In the morning)", "B. M. awakening.") kres0062: Drawing with a text "B. M. před soudem." ("B. M. in court,") kres0061 - kres0062
11.11.1911 kres0063: drawing with a text "B. M. jest vážen." ("B. M. is weighed.") kres0064: drawing with a text "B. M. jest z ráje vyvržen." ("B. M. is threw out of heaven.") kres0063 - kres0064
11.11.1911 kres0065: Drawing with a text "a peklu odevzdán" ("and given to the hell") kres0065: Drawing with a text "B. M. kerak škvarek" ("B. M. burnt to death") kres0065 - kres0066
11.11.1911 kres0067: drawing with a text "Konec" ("The end") kres0067
11.11.1911 kres0068: drawing with a text "B. M. dobývá se do nebe. První dojmy v nebi." ("B. M. is getting to heaven. First impressions in heaven") kres0069: drawing with a text "B. M. civí na nové známosti." ("B. M. stares at new acquaintances") kres0068 - kres0069
11.11.1911 kres0070: drawing with a text "B. M. je jemně upozorněn že má smeknout." ("B. M. is gently warned of the necessity to bow.") kres0071: drawing with a text "B. M. se zařizuje" ("B. M. settles.") kres0070 - kres0071
11.11.1911 kres0072: drawing of Death, without a text kres0072
11.11.1911 kres0073: drawing of Death on the Earth, "11. 11. 1911" written above the drawing kres0073
1923 A drawing of Bohuslav Martinů and Jan Zrzavý. kres0074
1923 A portrait of an unknown person. kres0075
30.10.1919 A drawing to the composition "The Little Lullaby". kres0076
02.02.1919 A sketch to a composition Sonata C major for violin and piano. kres0077
1910 A self-caricature with a text message. kres0078
1910 A caricature of two heads, text. kres0079
1920 kres0082: drawing of a flower after the title kres0083: drawing of a heart kres0082 - kres0083
1920 kres0084: drawing with a text "ornament z lenochy židlí" ("an ornament from the backrest of chairs") kres0085: drawing with a text "malba na truhle" ("a painting on the trunk") kres0086: drawing with a text "malovaná okenice" ("painted on window shutters") kres0087: drawing with a text "ornament slovenského děvčete při polévání zaprášených chodníků" ("ornament of Slovak girl pouring the dusty pavement") kres0088: drawing with a text "chodníků na zahrádce" ("of pavements in the garden") kres0084 - kres0088
1920 Flower ornaments. kres0089
1920 Drawing of a heart kres0090
1920 Drawing of flowers. kres0091
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