General information
Type of the document Letter
Sender (corporation)Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČSR
Sender‘s locationPrague
Send date17.12.1960
Recipient (corporation)Český hudební fond
AcquiredCopy from CHF archive, 05-2024.
Owner of the sourceČeský hudební fond
Call number at IBMČHF 1960-12-17
Content and physical description
ContentIn response to the letter from 10 November 1959, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides the Czech Music Fund with some information concerning the estate of Bohuslav Martinů. It informs that Martinů was an American citizen since 4 February 1952 and that his only heir is Charlotte Martinů. In view of these facts, together with the fact that no reference was made in the will to any part of the estate to the Czech Music Fund, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers the estate to be unattainable.

However, the ČHF has yet to contact the Ministry of Education on this matter.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
MarkingsUnderlining in pen and red ink
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour

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