General information
Type of the document Letter
Sender (corporation)Universal Edition
Sender‘s locationVienna
Send date30.05.1949
RecipientGiulini, Carlo Maria
Recipient (corporation)Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale RAI
Recipient‘s locationRome
Language 2German
AcquiredTranscription of part of a letter from the Arnold Schönberg Center in Vienna (Universal Edition depository), written by Karolína Böhmová, 12/2019
Owner of the sourceUniversal Edition
Call number at IBMUE 1949-05-30a
Content and physical description
ContentUniversal Edition presents C.M. Giulini ten selected works published by them in the last two years in the field of orchestral music. UE suggests that C.M.G. might include some of these works in his repertoire. Martinů's CONCERTO GROSSO is also named. Also attached to the letter is UE's catalogue. C.M.G. is to let UE know if he is interested in any of the works.
NoteIncorrectly listed "R.A.J." as the recipient (corporation) instead of "R.A.I."
Digitisation The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
Person as subject
Composition as subject
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