General information
Type of the document Postcard
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationBasel
Send date22.02.1940
RecipientŠebánek, Karel
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationPrague
AcquiredCopy from private collection of Jiří Šebánek, grandnephew of Karel Šebánek (arranged by G. Coufalová), 09/2022
Owner of the source- Soukromý vlastník, Private owner
Call number at IBMŠeb 1940-02-22
Content and physical description
ContentBohuslav Martinů asks Karel Šebánek to find orchestral material of CONCERTO GROSSO (possibly in Melantrich?) and send it immediately – or write as soon as possible where it can be found.
Transcription of the letter


K. Šebánek.

Ul. Národní Obrany 31./II.



Bale 22/II 40.

Cher ami, faites impossible de trouver mon materiel du „Concerto grosso“ (Melantrich ?) et de l’envoyer immediatement ou écriver le plus tôt possible où on peut le trouver.

Meilleur souvenir.

B. Martinů

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